golden paints

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  • #502672

      Can anyone tell me if there is a difference between Golden irridecent paint vs. iterference paint? Our Michael’s carries Golden but the irridecent not interference… Help? Thankies!

      twindragonsmum 🙂



        From what I can tell:
        the iridescent colors are metallics colors gold, silver, etc.
        the interference colors are the ones you use to get your sculpt to have subtle hues when you look at certain angles.

        So in short their iridescent is used for metallic effects and their interference is used for an iridescent effect.


          Thanks FlamingDragon, that helps! Any idea where else to find interference paints besides Michael’s?

          twindragonsmum 🙂



          I order from an on-line art supply called Dick Blick. They’ve got good prices and I haven’t had any problems with them or the paints. They seem to carry the entire Golden line, in both the tubes and the little bottles.


            I know here the best places to get artist paint is at art/paint supply shop. The ones I’ve been to are deserres and delta art. I like Delta Arts, they have better prices and 2-3 times the selection of Michaels but I don’t know if they are a chain store. A lot of art stores aren’t big international chains(Michaels *cough*) so I don’t what art stores are in your area. Just search google maps or look in phone directory under art supplies and you should be able to find somewhere in your area that sell a better selection of golden paints.


              I’ll second Barrdwing. Dick Blick is the best! <3


                Thankies, all! I really appreciate the help 🙂

                twindragonsmum 🙂



                This is the closest thread I could find for my question, so here goes.

                I just did my first PYO and I adore him. I used golden paints and while I certainly don’t have that perfect, airbrushed smoothness found on real Windstones, the quality of the color is impressive. I tried to take a photo to show him here and be all proud of my new baby boy, but he photographs terribly! All his blues look like one FLAT color. Any hints for taking beautiful pictures of golden paint keeper dragons done mostly in blues, silvers, and antique copper? I’ve tried all my camera settings in natural and artificial light but he still looks boring and just ick.


                  Oh the torture of trying to take the best possible picture! I feel your pain Lupus >< Also, trying to take pictures of interference is just as hard – it has to be at JUST the right angle for me to get any type of sparkle in my photos.

                  Sorry I can't be more help 🙁

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                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Glad to know it’s not just me. I’m considering bringing him to like a photo place in the mall and making them do it. At least I know he will sit still for pictures!
                  But when I finish my paper for today, I am also going to look for tips for museum and archivist photographs, because collections need very detailed photographs either to serve as surrogates or to prove the authenticy of a piece. And UV is super bad bad for old documents, so there has to be a lighting trick! So I might as well use the sources in the my archival studies class to hunt down some tips and tricks. If I find anything good, I’ll share it here.


                    Golden iridescent pearl is the best Pearl white I have ever found… the color is so rich… especially for being a white! I loved that tube of paint to the very end! lol

                    I don’t think that our Michael’s carry’s it either any more, which is such a bummer. I look for it on 😉


                      Even with professional line cameras, digital color correction software, etc… some colors never photograph ‘right’. Windstone also has problems taking photos of things on the blue/green end of the spectrum. The truth is that our eye captures and sees the colors differently than even the best camera can manage!

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                      yeah, I’ve been trying and trying, got some of the different blues to show and a lot of the bronze to show up, but the green hiding around the blue refuses to sparkle on camera. It just makes the whole area look like one bland expanse of lighter blue. It’s kinda driving me nuts :bigsmile:


                        There’s a couple art stores around my area aside from Michael’s, and they have a much larger selection. Michael’s seems to carry only the bare minimum when it comes to paints and their colours. I’d suggest looking through your phonebook to see if you can find a small art store. They’re usually pretty friendly too, and they may even order stuff for you!

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