I have mint in box gold OW that I will let go for $230. Retails for $260.
I also have a gold signed lap MIB w/coa I will let go for $220. Retails for $230. Or I will sell the Copper Lilac Lap that I just won. She comes with COA and all that. Still mint. I just dont want two laps and I think I am more attached to the gold one. Whichever one sells first I will keep the other. Im asking what I paid for her with shipping which was about $450. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=300300507374
Prices do not include shipping.
Keppy, I dont think my PMs are going out… if you get this, let me know. I send PMs, but it just flicks back and nothing is in my outbox.
I dont think my other message made it to you. If you want to do this, you can PP me at skigod377@yahoo.com Half now, then half w/shipping whenever you are ready with the second payment. π