Ghost stories

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        A few of you have asked about ghost stories from the Winchester Mystery House, so I’ll give you what I remember and then you can tell me what you think… The most prevelant ghost is said to be named Clyde who was an employee of Mrs. Winchester. You mostly find him in the basement of the house in some sort of overalls. He is often seen around the coal shoot. Upstairs (and there is a LOT of upstairs since the ground floor covers an acre of land and the house is four stories tall) you often hear doors slamming and footsteps in areas that are not open to the public, but those are easily explained away. Sometimes you can smell chicken soup cooking in one of the kitchens that is only accessible by climbing through a window. The painting staff always has to be careful when they are standing on a ladder or painting the gingerbread trim on the roof and eaves of the house because there have been numerous times when they’ve been physically pushed off the ladder or almost off the roof. One of my friends was a tour supervisor. At the end of the day part of her job was to follow the last tour through the house making certain that outside windows were closed, that there weren’t any stragglers, checking the doors to make certain they were locked and setting the alarm system for the night. To set the alarm you walk down a long hallway on the main floor that has windows that open onto the bird aviary on the right side and a wall full of closets whose doors are locked on the left side. As my friend passed these doors and windows one evening, each one silently flipped open in her wake. Back down the hallway she went shutting the doors and windows then went back to turn on the alarm only to find that they were all standing open again. It happened twice more at which point she put hands on her hips, glared down the passage and said “Look; it’s been a long day. I’m tired, my feet are killing me and I want to go home! Now knock it off!” at which point the doors and windows all slammed shut. She set the alarm and went home. There had been a little girl about 5 or 6 years old who’d gotten seperated from the group her parents were on. The house staff that weren’t on tour were sent in to help find her. When she was found her parents asked her why she had wandered off and she told them she had wanted to play with the little black dog she had seen in part of the house. She was told most emphatically that animals were not allowed in the house and she insisted that there was a dog in the house that a bell on it’s collar and a blue bow around it’s neck. Mrs. Winchester used to have a little black lap dog named Zip, who is buried on house grounds. He loves kids and is usually spotted by a child or two every week or so…

        twindragonsmum 😀





            haha how awesome 😀


              Interesting! I had to google the place; man, it is big! Do you know if any tv shows like Ghosthunters or Paranormal State have ever investigated inside?


              That sounds really neat. Thanks for telling all that, TDM – now I want to visit the place!


                Lokie wrote:

                Interesting! I had to google the place; man, it is big! Do you know if any tv shows like Ghosthunters or Paranormal State have ever investigated inside?

                Yep Ghost Hunters went to the Winchester House in Season 2.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  Lokie wrote:

                  Interesting! I had to google the place; man, it is big! Do you know if any tv shows like Ghosthunters or Paranormal State have ever investigated inside?

                  Yep Ghost Hunters went to the Winchester House in Season 2.

                  Thanks; I’ll have to keep an eye out for that episode so I can see the inside.

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