
Ghost hunting pics

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    😯 Wow, Hoofer – that is scary.


    Hoofer wrote:

    purpledoggy wrote:

    We had lots of fun doing it way back when. We started out with a group (Ghost Hunters of Baltimore). They took us to a grave yard after dark and told us it was ok to be there. While we were taking pictures some guy in a car came speeding through the grave yard after us and the members of the group yelled for us to run. After we got in our cars and left I ask them why they told us to run if we had permission to be there. When I went back the next day I saw no trespassing signs all over the place. We decided to form our own group after that. We tried to be a non profit group and help those who felt they were experiencing a haunting. Most of the time we got alot of really nutty people and the cost of travel, film, developing and all that just sunk us into the ground. We ended up quiting and selling off all of our equipment but it was fun while it lasted. Out of all the places we went to the only one that I had any kind of paranormal experience was the farnsworth house in gettysburg.

    So the GHoB lied to you and were trespassing, how grand. No wonder you started your own group.

    Those who take care of graveyards have to deal with a whole lot of other things occurring. Ghost hunting is one aspect, but very minor when compared to what else goes on out there.

    I’m referring to satanic worshipping. Around here it included initiations where the initiate must dig up a grave and return with a specific body part(s). And of course, it does not stop there.

    They also paint their signs/symbols on the various surrounding trees and they boobie trap the exterior areas in the woods where they were/are performing their rituals/sacrifices.

    Not trying to be a thread killer. It sickens me what caretakers of graveyards have to put up with. Not to mention owners of private property. As if rattlesnakes are not enough to have to watch out for in the woods!


    Speaking of TAPS, we laugh everytime we hear Roto Rooter mentioned during an episode. I’m waiting to hear about the next drinking game, which would include various plumbing terms for a shot. 😀

    I am a Satanist , and what you wrote is very offensive and i believe was ment to be there fore im Calling BS on this one for many reasons. I dont condone any one going into a cemetary besides to visit thier decesed , and while i do not agree with other religions, comming on here to slander a group of people who have nothig to do with what you wrote is in poor taste .Here are my reasons

    Satanists do not “sacrifice” anything, nore do we dig up remains , that is desicration of ones domain and is not tolerated by the Black Church.It was also documented in a 1980’s FBI report that there are no Organized Satanic groups that kill things for thier “dark Lord” . It was all drummed up by the Satanic Panic of the 80’s when the church was loosinig coin quick and tried the scare tactic to get more souls in the pews and more money in the coffers ..look it up

    We dont go around spraying symbols of the inverted Pentagram on things , that is done by kids who are trying to be cool . You are not even allowed into the Black Church untill the age of 21 ,so that you have had time to choose your path

    The people you speak of like i said are either kids or devil Worshipers …WE ARE NOT DEVIL WORSHIPERS. Its like calling a Christain a Jew or better yet compairing Christians to Westboro Baptists. Seriously dont come to a BB and Slander a group of people with miscomunication , if you want to slander us atleast have your facts straight please. If you want more info on the Church of Satan here is the site for the main church , or ask a Satanist , we dont bite nore are we snakes in the woods like you so kindly say , just dont assume you know what that starts with

    Welcome to the official website of the Church of Satan.

    Here are our 11 Rules of the Earth ..i believe #3 says it all about desicrating a cemetary

    The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

    by Anton Szandor LaVey

    1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

    2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

    3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

    4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

    5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

    6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

    7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

    8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

    9. Do not harm little children.

    10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

    11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.


    I clicked on the link. My mother would kill me – she thinks celtic stuff is satan worship! 🙄

    Didn’t seem as bad to me as I’ve been told though, thank you for the information Necron.

    Though I CAN understand where Hoofer got the comments from – he was probably raised that way by his parents or his church taught him to believe that. Without the information readily available (which I didn’t know it was until now) then how can we learn other then to step onto the wrong territory and then get in trouble for it? Not saying it was right, just saying that I understand where it came from.


    Dragon87 wrote:

    I clicked on the link. My mother would kill me – she thinks celtic stuff is satan worship! 🙄

    Didn’t seem as bad to me as I’ve been told though, thank you for the information Necron.

    Though I CAN understand where Hoofer got the comments from – he was probably raised that way by his parents or his church taught him to believe that. Without the information readily available (which I didn’t know it was until now) then how can we learn other then to step onto the wrong territory and then get in trouble for it? Not saying it was right, just saying that I understand where it came from.

    I understand the mixing up between Satanists and Devil worship the media has a big to do with that ..it gets ratings. But calling us Snakes in the woods , no matter what religion you were brought up in they all teach tolerance , and that was just bad style. Thats all im gonna say on the subject i dont want to piss off every one and start a Holy war ..god knows we have enough of that in the RW


    Necron99 wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    I clicked on the link. My mother would kill me – she thinks celtic stuff is satan worship! 🙄

    Didn’t seem as bad to me as I’ve been told though, thank you for the information Necron.

    Though I CAN understand where Hoofer got the comments from – he was probably raised that way by his parents or his church taught him to believe that. Without the information readily available (which I didn’t know it was until now) then how can we learn other then to step onto the wrong territory and then get in trouble for it? Not saying it was right, just saying that I understand where it came from.

    I understand the mixing up between Satanists and Devil worship the media has a big to do with that ..it gets ratings. But calling us Snakes in the woods , no matter what religion you were brought up in they all teach tolerance , and that was just bad style. Thats all im gonna say on the subject i dont want to piss off every one and start a Holy war ..god knows we have enough of that in the RW

    You don’t have to reply but most religions seem to teach that you can be tolerant to what they say to be tolerant to. Now I shut up too, I’ve caused a lot of fights with my opinions I don’t want another one…


      A warning: Do not slander or speak poorly of any religion on this board, agree with them or not. Religion is a very personal choice and individuals within any given religion can vary how they interpret the religion. Rarely does good come from religious debates.

      Hoofer, I respect your sentiments that perhaps some groups have been very disrespectful to graveyards- it is disgusting and sad what some people will do. However please use care and not place labels on groups. I hate being “PC” as much as the next person, but when it comes to religion it is a very touchy subject and it is very easy to offend.

      In the future, instead of specifying, it may be easier just so say “a group” rather than name the group (either based on fact or speculation).

      This goes for everyone: Remember we all have different backgrounds, were raised in all parts of the world, and have different religions. Tolerance is something the world could use a lot more of. Use care in your words and be respectful even if you disagree.

      Thank you guys. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


      Necron99 wrote:

      I am a Satanist, and what you wrote is very offensive and i believe was ment to be there fore im Calling BS on this one for many reasons.

      Excuse me?

      What I wrote was not intended to offend you or anyone else for that matter. You definately took offense. The only thing I can do is offer an apology.

      However, I am not sure why I need to apologize. Because you took offense? Or because you think I am BSing?

      I was speaking about first hand experiences from this area. It is a sad fact that there are many people out there doing things without any guidance whatsoever, just winging it.

      Also, it is what they call themselves, not what I call them. What I call them is not printable on this forum. 8)



      Jennifer wrote:

      A warning: Do not slander or speak poorly of any religion on this board, agree with them or not. Religion is a very personal choice and individuals within any given religion can vary how they interpret the religion. Rarely does good come from religious debates.

      Hoofer, I respect your sentiments that perhaps some groups have been very disrespectful to graveyards- it is disgusting and sad what some people will do. However please use care and not place labels on groups. I hate being “PC” as much as the next person, but when it comes to religion it is a very touchy subject and it is very easy to offend.

      In the future, instead of specifying, it may be easier just so say “a group” rather than name the group (either based on fact or speculation).

      This goes for everyone: Remember we all have different backgrounds, were raised in all parts of the world, and have different religions. Tolerance is something the world could use a lot more of.

      Use care in your words and be respectful even if you disagree.

      Thank you guys. 🙂

      Noted Jennifer aka Nam.

      Fact, I can not control how a person acts/reacts only how I act/react.

      Though I am not sure what I am apologizing for, I offered him an apology, it’s all I can do.



      Hoofer wrote:

      Necron99 wrote:

      I am a Satanist, and what you wrote is very offensive and i believe was ment to be there fore im Calling BS on this one for many reasons.

      Excuse me?

      What I wrote was not intended to offend you or anyone else for that matter. You definately took offense. The only thing I can do is offer an apology.

      However, I am not sure why I need to apologize. Because you took offense? Or because you think I am BSing?

      I was speaking about first hand experiences from this area. It is a sad fact that there are many people out there doing things without any guidance whatsoever, just winging it.

      Also, it is what they call themselves, not what I call them. What I call them is not printable on this forum. 8)


      you are excused.

      Just maybe in the future you should anilyse what some one “calls” themselves instead of taking it at face Value. Nor calling a whole group of people a snake in the woods before you know the truth ..thats maybe what you should aploigise for , insted of arrogantly proclaming you have said nothing to offend any one . Just because some one says they are part of somthing doesnt mean they are . David Berkowitz says he is a Christian , but there is no way i believe that Christians are all murderers that would be a stupid assumption . As for your “first hand” accound im pretty sure they were teenagers , hence like i said a kid trying to be cool , now that you have the truth maybe you can diferentiate between the real folks and fakes and maybe educate them on the fact that they are not what they say instead of lumping us all into one tidy boat for sake of ingornace.

      Sorry Jenifer , but i just cant let arrogance like that go. I know that when i have said somthing incorrect or insulting that i must make ammends . i dont make excuses on why i shouldnt , or make back handed appologies just to renigg them . I appoligise to you in advance if i have made your already hectic life on here harder . I hearby resign from this thread and allow anything else to flow off me for i have no time to subject myself to some one who has already made up thier minds that Satanists are evil, its just moot and it gives me a head ache. Oi i need a tylenol 😕

      to get it back on topic i present you with a dancing ghost


      Necron99 wrote:

      Nor calling a whole group of people a snake in the woods before you know the truth ..thats maybe what you should aploigise for , insted of arrogantly proclaming you have said nothing to offend any one .

      Whoa nelly! Perhaps it is you that are mistaken? That once I offended you, everything else you read became offensive?

      There is no need to offer an apology for something I did not do. My comment was verbatum:

      Hoofer wrote:

      ….. and they boobie trap the exterior areas in the woods where they were/are performing their rituals/sacrifices.

      Not trying to be a thread killer. It sickens me what caretakers of graveyards have to put up with. Not to mention owners of private property. As if rattlesnakes are not enough to have to watch out for in the woods!

      The rattlesnake comment was in reference to the traps that were being set. Rattlesnakes are a concern in this state. I have had to dispose of them from my own property and must keep a wary eye out for them as I ride through the woods. I never implied anyone, thing, group (whatever) was a rattlesnake.



        End of discussion. Relegate to PM’s if necessary to continue.

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