
Ghost hunting pics

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      I was looking through an external hard drive my husband just handed me so I could get some of the millions of pictures I have on my computer taken off. I found some of our pictures from back when we used to ghost hunt. We had our own group (Middle River Paranormal Investigators). We had alot of fun doing it, got to meet TAPS at a paranormal conference at Pen State and were on a radio morning talk show. Anyway here are some pictures that I found….

      Todd’s Inheritance (rod by the front porch)

      Farnsworth House orb infront of the chair

      Fort Armistead mist

      There are more on the hard drive but they are pretty poor quality. I know these are possible dust, dirt, or bugs in the way of the camera but its still fun to think maybe they might be something else lol.



          Hehe! I love watching all the ghost hunter TV shows, but only during the daytime! 😆


            I don’t think ghost hunting would ever be my thing.


              That would be so much fun. I like to watch the show, but I would be chicken to actually investigate, I think.


                I have had things happen around me that I cannot explain…. wild things… I believe in ghost.


                  Can I go see? 😯
                  I used to like going into abandoned houses before as a child 😀


                    I would LOVE to find some


                      I lived in a house that was “haunted” by the man who built it… and his wife… it was intersting there! 😉 They both died in that house too…


                      I like to watch ghost stuff on TV but I don’t think I could hunt them. Great pics PD. 🙂


                        We had lots of fun doing it way back when. We started out with a group (Ghost Hunters of Baltimore). They took us to a grave yard after dark and told us it was ok to be there. While we were taking pictures some guy in a car came speeding through the grave yard after us and the members of the group yelled for us to run. After we got in our cars and left I ask them why they told us to run if we had permission to be there. When I went back the next day I saw no trespassing signs all over the place. We decided to form our own group after that. We tried to be a non profit group and help those who felt they were experiencing a haunting. Most of the time we got alot of really nutty people and the cost of travel, film, developing and all that just sunk us into the ground. We ended up quiting and selling off all of our equipment but it was fun while it lasted. Out of all the places we went to the only one that I had any kind of paranormal experience was the farnsworth house in gettysburg.


                        What’s the story behind the farnsworth house? 😕


                        starbreeze wrote:

                        What’s the story behind the farnsworth house? 😕

                        here is there site


                        purpledoggy wrote:

                        We had lots of fun doing it way back when. We started out with a group (Ghost Hunters of Baltimore). They took us to a grave yard after dark and told us it was ok to be there. While we were taking pictures some guy in a car came speeding through the grave yard after us and the members of the group yelled for us to run. After we got in our cars and left I ask them why they told us to run if we had permission to be there. When I went back the next day I saw no trespassing signs all over the place. We decided to form our own group after that. We tried to be a non profit group and help those who felt they were experiencing a haunting. Most of the time we got alot of really nutty people and the cost of travel, film, developing and all that just sunk us into the ground. We ended up quiting and selling off all of our equipment but it was fun while it lasted. Out of all the places we went to the only one that I had any kind of paranormal experience was the farnsworth house in gettysburg.

                        So the GHoB lied to you and were trespassing, how grand. No wonder you started your own group.

                        Those who take care of graveyards have to deal with a whole lot of other things occurring. Ghost hunting is one aspect, but very minor when compared to what else goes on out there.

                        I’m referring to satanic worshipping. Around here it included initiations where the initiate must dig up a grave and return with a specific body part(s). And of course, it does not stop there.

                        They also paint their signs/symbols on the various surrounding trees and they boobie trap the exterior areas in the woods where they were/are performing their rituals/sacrifices.

                        Not trying to be a thread killer. It sickens me what caretakers of graveyards have to put up with. Not to mention owners of private property. As if rattlesnakes are not enough to have to watch out for in the woods!


                        Speaking of TAPS, we laugh everytime we hear Roto Rooter mentioned during an episode. I’m waiting to hear about the next drinking game, which would include various plumbing terms for a shot. 😀

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