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      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      What happens when someone who bought one of PC’s pieces dies and it is left with no instruction of how it came to be? Someone could take the felt pad off, cover her writing and sell it as a “Very old, very rare test paint that didn’t have a felt” Goodness knows that there are many such pieces at the factory, Windstone destroys a good lot of them, but even so, there are dozens of pieces like that. Look at the Black and Tan dragons, or the Wedding Cake Dragons (the male and female weren’t even painted by Melody), or even the last two OOAK OWs that went on ebay recently (I think they had a felt pad tho…) There is just no way to completely verify these things…

      I was thinking about this in particular, because it always gets brought up as an argument against repaints…

      Why doesn’t Windstone compile a photographic/verbally descriptive database of ALL – every single one – of their pieces to date? There’s already the Astral Castle encyclopedia, and they’ve got a good start on their website of all the ebay limited production, limited edition, OOAK sales….if they did this, anyone would absolutely, positively be able to identify something as a repaint or a vare rare old test paint, etc. There would be no doubt.
      There are somethings I know they don’t even have pictures of, but this forum is solving a lot of those issues…

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        There are too many weird variants floating around that are real.

        Like that blue eyed white dragon that just turned up, for instance.

        There’s just no way to make a comprehensive list, when half the time Melody doesn’t even remember everything she’s painted until somebody reminds her of it.


          Aren’t Snap, Nam, and GB working on that?


          Arlla wrote:

          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          What happens when someone who bought one of PC’s pieces dies and it is left with no instruction of how it came to be? Someone could take the felt pad off, cover her writing and sell it as a “Very old, very rare test paint that didn’t have a felt” Goodness knows that there are many such pieces at the factory, Windstone destroys a good lot of them, but even so, there are dozens of pieces like that. Look at the Black and Tan dragons, or the Wedding Cake Dragons (the male and female weren’t even painted by Melody), or even the last two OOAK OWs that went on ebay recently (I think they had a felt pad tho…) There is just no way to completely verify these things…

          I was thinking about this in particular, because it always gets brought up as an argument against repaints…

          Why doesn’t Windstone compile a photographic/verbally descriptive database of ALL – every single one – of their pieces to date? There’s already the Astral Castle encyclopedia, and they’ve got a good start on their website of all the ebay limited production, limited edition, OOAK sales….if they did this, anyone would absolutely, positively be able to identify something as a repaint or a vare rare old test paint, etc. There would be no doubt.
          There are somethings I know they don’t even have pictures of, but this forum is solving a lot of those issues…
          I think it would be good to have such a reference database. But I don’t think this is really a valid argument against repaints — the bottom line is that if a piece in a non-production color doesn’t come with a certificate of authenticity (COA), then it might not be authentic (even if it is claimed to be) and the buyer buys at his own risk. This is a well known fact as far as collectibles are concerned, and any collectible where the associated COA has been lost generally loses a lot of value, precisely because it can’t be verified to be authentic.

          By the way, I recall that John or Melody mentioned in a previous thread that actually do have pictures of all production and limited edition/OOAK pieces that have been released, so that they can identify all of the “official” Windstone color schemes (though minor variations of production pieces like blue eyes on a white dragon might not be documented).


            We are working on a database! Slowly. 😆

            But, as Spark said… new things (that are genuine Factory Windstones) that no one knew existed will probably keep popping up. Until a year ago, Melody had no idea there were dragons released in ‘jade’, which is a mistake but they are real, genuine pieces.

            Repaints can even confuse Melody, and she makes these things. Look at that weird brown emperor someone had posted about a while back. We can’t tell if he was repainted that color or if someone got a little too creative at the factory- because he was painted in a Windstone ‘style’. Even if we had a comprehensive list, we’d still be scratching our heads. 😉

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              mimitrek wrote:

              emerald212 wrote:

              Arlla wrote:

              Purplecat, before this thread gets shut down, I just want to say that in my opinion, your repaints were truly beautiful, original, OOAK color schemes which required a great deal of creativity and original thought, and while the style of them may have been close enough to the “look” of factory made Windstones to get them to make you stop, they were still the work of an ARTIST. Speaking as one of many other artists out there, I am insulted by anyone who calls you differently. May your talent find another outlet soon, for all our sakes! And I hope you use this as a spring board for improving your already gorgeous painting.

              Here! Here! I completely agree with Arlla. 🙂

              I totally agree also! 🙂

              I agree also!

              Since this is such a sensitive issue, and ultimately Windstone has the right to handle this anyway they want, I’m not trying to open another can of worms here, but there are a few things that need to be considered (they probably already have, but probably have not been discussed in the open forum).

              This issue is not going to die here. If it wasn’t Purplecat it would have been someone else. It will only be another matter of time before some else does it with or without Windstone knowing about it.

              Repairs and repaints (whether restoring factory paint or creating new colors) will always have a market. I would like to suggest, only for consideration, that Windstone authorize a few artists who want to do this. They don’t have to be official employees, but just affiliates. A marking system on the felt could be established so that they could be easily tracked and identified. Any non production colors would have to be authorized by Windstone before being done and there could be a photo archive for the company. Will this stop all repaints, and unauthorized duplication, etc? No. But it would give an outlet for services that are requested/needed and Windstone could have a say in directing what avenue they take.

              This idea may not work at all, but the alternative is to keep coming back to this issue again and again. My 2 cents worth.


              emerald212 wrote:

              Aren’t Snap, Nam, and GB working on that?

              I’m only putting in regular production, limited edition, special edition, OOAKs that get sold on E-Bay and the occasional mistakes like jade and orange-eyed emeralds. I will to add this blue-eyed white male now. But repaints won’t be part of the database – as far as I know.


                SilverArrow wrote:

                mimitrek wrote:

                emerald212 wrote:

                Arlla wrote:

                Purplecat, before this thread gets shut down, I just want to say that in my opinion, your repaints were truly beautiful, original, OOAK color schemes which required a great deal of creativity and original thought, and while the style of them may have been close enough to the “look” of factory made Windstones to get them to make you stop, they were still the work of an ARTIST. Speaking as one of many other artists out there, I am insulted by anyone who calls you differently. May your talent find another outlet soon, for all our sakes! And I hope you use this as a spring board for improving your already gorgeous painting.

                Here! Here! I completely agree with Arlla. 🙂

                I totally agree also! 🙂

                I agree also!

                Since this is such a sensitive issue, and ultimately Windstone has the right to handle this anyway they want, I’m not trying to open another can of worms here, but there are a few things that need to be considered (they probably already have, but probably have not been discussed in the open forum).

                This issue is not going to die here. If it wasn’t Purplecat it would have been someone else. It will only be another matter of time before some else does it with or without Windstone knowing about it.

                Repairs and repaints (whether restoring factory paint or creating new colors) will always have a market. I would like to suggest, only for consideration, that Windstone authorize a few artists who want to do this. They don’t have to be official employees, but just affiliates. A marking system on the felt could be established so that they could be easily tracked and identified. Any non production colors would have to be authorized by Windstone before being done and there could be a photo archive for the company. Will this stop all repaints, and unauthorized duplication, etc? No. But it would give an outlet for services that are requested/needed and Windstone could have a say in directing what avenue they take.

                This idea may not work at all, but the alternative is to keep coming back to this issue again and again. My 2 cents worth.

                I think this is an interesting idea, I like it but then again I repaint, sooo…..Of course there’s a little bit of personal preference to it. 😀

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