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    It’s a pity. You’d make an excellent official painter. 🙁


      With the trouble stirred up by my work and the bad feelings I may have caused I doubt they’d ever touch me with a ten foot pole…ack.


      It sounds like there’s only one bad feeling – whichever blank-blank person reported your earth dragon. But the rest of love your work.


        I know…but I’m sure John has heard enough about me he’s probably got a headache and a half…sigh…he said I needed to try some originality and used the word “profiteering” in reference to what I’ve been doing…not exactly the way to make a good impression.


        Sorry, purplecat. 🙁


          Woke up to find this! Wow!

          I will not speculate or try to guess Windstone’s business plans- this is not my place. However, they already have a full crew of airbrush painters- including the very skilled Olimpia- and the reality is that sadly they cannot offer a job to every new skilled airbrush user they find. After all, they are now starting to offer Olimpia’s line of special airbrushed pieces. I know this doesn’t seem fair, but she is a long standing employee of Windstone and it is with no bias that I imagine they’d grant her seniority over a potential new employee.

          We know that hundreds of physical retailers are going out of business that once carried the Windstone line. It is entirely possible that hiring more employees at this point might not be financially feasible for Windstone, and may have nothing at all to do with the skill or talent of a potential new employee. This is just speculation on my part.

          I do not know what transpired between John and Purplecat- the only time I’ve had contact with him is when she did the spectral that looked like Melody’s Violet Flame, and to the best of my knowledge we resolved that issue in the thread (you are all welcome to see). This seems to be more of an issue of the style of airbrushing is too similar to Windstone’s line- not necessarily that they are repaints. Just the fact that so many of you have said “that looks (as good as) or (just like a) production Windstone!” is point in case.

          Purplecat, you are obviously very talented with an airbrush. There are hundreds, if not thousands of artists out there that make considerable income doing airbrush work that probably don’t even know what a Windstone is. Why not apply your talent to your own creative means? I have confidence you would do well!

          Purplecat, I know you have broken Windstones that you were planning on reselling as repaints, and are now concerned that you won’t make any money of them. This is silly! I’ve had at least a dozen broken Windstones pass though my hands. Repair takes some work but it can be done- you’ve done it yourself. Why not repair and restore them? I’ve done this with several pieces that I’ve either kept for myself or given as gifts. A restored piece should, in theory, resell for a greater value than what you paid for it broken. That way you could at least recoup your costs, if not profit from making the Windstone look ‘as new’ again! 🙂

          To all, I realize that this is an upsetting situation and it’s very easy to get negative about it. It’s very easy to blame Windstone as stepping on ‘the little guy’ – but even though they are a great company they are ‘the little guy’ too. They are people just like us that have to look out for their livelihood and try to stay in business. You guys have all talked to Melody, Karen, Susie, and some of the other staff- none of them are mean or trying to make anyone feel bad. I know it seems mean and petty to say ‘you can’t do this, it might hurt our business’, but they HAVE to protect their business.
          I know we can turn this situation into something positive, and getting mad about it doesn’t help. If you are genuinely upset over the situation it is best to contact John via email rather than huff and puff on a public forum.

          Let’s try to be positive.
          Purplecat, if there were no Windstones to repaint, what would you be doing to supplement your income for some ‘fun money’? What path do you see yourself on? Perhaps some of us can help you brainstorm on things you can do. You are talented and have a creative spark in you, let’s develop on that. 🙂 This is a fine community here (the best I’ve been a part of!) and we love to support one another. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            keschete wrote:

            drag0nfeathers wrote:

            Although deep down I feel that way too, I also think Windstone is compleely justified for it’s decision. Ebay is tricky like that, but I think Purplecat should at the very least be allowed to continue her work for comissions…there has to be some sort of acknowledgement from the buyers though that they KNOW FOR A FACT that are NOT Windstone’s paintjobs and they are completely fan painted.


            That is absolute Bull$%*^*, It was VERY VERY clear in her ebay auctions that these were repaints and repairs….absolutely no mistaking them for originals unless the person bidding was illiterate.


            I think it is RIDICULOUS that someone can’t actually read the whole description of an auction before they place a bid.

            This whole deal is STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!

            So sad that there will be trashed windstones, thet wont be repaired…if no one is willing to repair them then they will get thrown away. And no artist works for free!

            Um I know I’m late again *as usual* but I didn’t say Purplecat wasn’t clear about her auction so there is no need to jump down my throat. I feel for both Purplecat AND Windstone and I’m pretty much on the same wavelength in this as Nambroth & SPark. Though I LOVED her repaints, (and still want one) Windstone is just trying to protect themselves from situations like this and are perfectly in their right to take certain measures to kep their company alive.

            It’s too bad, but nothing can really be done about it. On the whole theory of employng Purplecat I’d say that’s a slim to none chance. I’m sure there are thousands of painters whom to it would be a dream come true for, but honestly… I’m sure Windstone has their hands full of painters who excel with airbrush work already as Nam stated. I mean 90% of their pieces are airbrush work. Also, it may cause friction and jealousy between other painters on the forum or even on ebay. We’d ALL love a job at Windstone. It’s really cool to think about, but then other people who viewed this forum or Purplecat’s auctions would start repaints for either profit or also trying to “get a job”

            It’s a little risky if you ask me. At this pont I’m waiting for Windstone to stop making PYOs because of all the trouble repaints and duplicating paint schemes on PYOs have caused. We all know Purplecat’s intentions were pure hearted, but there are some other people who could use this idea in the wrong way. Even people who are “misinformed” as someone else stated or what if they pass away and their repainted Windstones are passed along as official repaints. Even if it is unknowingly, Windstone is still left with the legal mess to clean up. I think the whole thing should just be dropped before more damage is caused.

            I’d still like to say to Purplecat though that you are EXTREAMLY talented and I think you could definately restore the Windstones you have that are broken to perfect shape. You have the talent and the know-how and Melody has the matching paint. I bet if you just ask you guys could hook up something. Then you could sell the restored pieces to recoupe your money. It’s not as exciting as a new OOAK paint job, but it’s better then nothing I guess. I wish I could say or do something to make you feel better. I’m sorry. 😳

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I didn’t have fun money…I’ve done acrylics, oils, sewing, pottery, cake decorating and now airbrushing…this is the first thing I’ve ever done that has actually sold. I’ll be finishing up the pyos I’ve got in my workshop (a total of about 20) and selling them. I may or may not get more, If I sell my airbrush it will be on ebay….the frustration and problems I’ve caused with this were never intended.


                I’m not “huffing and puffing”, and I’ve tried to be creative with these…I was told to stop and instead of pm’ing every member of the forum who’s asked me to paint something I simply posted it publicly to save myself time. Jeez….This has led to alot of heartache I never foresaw. 😥


                  I don’t think the huffing and puffing was in reference to you specifically, Purplecat, but people getting upset and blaming windstone.

                  We’re here for you, in whatever you choose to do! *hugs*


                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    I don’t think the huffing and puffing was in reference to you specifically, Purplecat, but people getting upset and blaming windstone.

                    We’re here for you, in whatever you choose to do! *hugs*
                    totally! we all know you were very well intended with your repaints! you never had any malice, spiteful or limit pushing attitudes in regards to your painting! i can think of someone else that did though, but definitely not you! i don’t think by any means that windstone will harbor any funny or hard feelings towards you, we all know how super kind and hunky-dory they are! they just needed to get reselling of very similar looking repaints in check i think before it gets too popular and everyone gets doing it. its that much more of an imperative since now they are offering repaints by olimpia and nam, to be sure the minimum amount of confusion is involved. exactly as nirvana said so eloquently, all that needs to happen is the certificate gets misplaced and the felt dampned to where a signatures runs, or the felt is removed and noone will know what they are looking at! funny that the earth dragon was the one that opened the can of worms, as the pinks in my opinion looked soooo clean, natural and authentic!! those looked like real windstones to me!
                    you still have lots of options! you’ll recover your money by repairing the damaged pieces you have, then do custom repairs for people, and you can still do super paint jobs on pyos. plus melody did state somewhere that she has plans for lots of new pyos, so there should be more pieces to come in time.all will be ok, really. 😀


                      Sorry to hear about this decision, purplecat! I was looking forward to the possibility of an earth dragon :cry:. But I guess I understand it. It’s just a shame. But your PYOs have been just as lovely! I know I can’t buy enough to keep you going, but I’m always happy to buy some :wink:, and it doesn’t sound like I’d be the only one.


                        This has been a mess and I’m just at the hair-pulling stage of frustration here with my work at the center of this mess. I probably won’t quit doing pyos but I was venting some steam. I’m flattered that my work is well liked but discouraged I have to quit. I’ve been trying for years to find some art-related job I could actually succeed at. I did ok with cakes until I got in trouble for doing designs the other decorators couldn’t duplicate if needed. I can’t help but be disheartened but I bounce pretty well so no worries. Just give me a couple of days, this was a pretty big shock to find as soon as I walk in the door from vacation so I apologize if I didn’t react so well….


                          I can’t believe that some of you are getting so mad at windstone. They are just trying to protect the small business that they have. They have said on here before that they do not like repaints on production pieces hence why they have the pyo line. Purplecat does some beautiful work but we all know that windstone does not approve of us repainting non pyo pieces no matter what our intentions. So windstone wants Purplecat to stop doing repaints, thats fine but why does she have to stop painting? Paint some pyo’s that is what they are for. I can understand where both sides are coming from. I can see how Melody or windstone could be upset about production repaints. It is artwork and I know I would be upset if someone took my work and changed it from the way I had envisioned it no matter the intension (yes I’ve had this happen). You can’t do something the artist already told you they didn’t like and expect it to be ok even if you mean no harm. I’m not attacking Purplecat but I’m posting this for some of you who think windstone is being a bully. Think if it was your business and your artwork. If you’ve already stated you don’t want your work altered because in the end it hurts your business you have to draw the line even if it hurts someone’s feelings. If you let one person get away with it then think of all the others that will follow suit. I really hope whole situation does not discourage Purplecat from continuing to paint since she really is a wonderful artist.


                          Sorry if anyone thought I was fussing at them personally, I should have not responded right away when I read this. You all bring up excellent points….but I was upset for purplecat because you can tell she loves what she was doing and she was creating beautiful things. I am sorry if I offended anyone.

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