GB unicorns: color/pattern squeaks(and re-squeaks!)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody GB unicorns: color/pattern squeaks(and re-squeaks!)

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  • #869535
    Wampus Dragon

      anyhoo, I doubt Wampus wants this thread turning into a debate over pricing…we should keep this about colors and not about a big hike….

      That would be my preference yes. Post more colors.


        The more iridescence and sparkle the better!!!



          autumny one I found in my saved pics….

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            Good one Fatalbeauty.I love this one too.CarpaDiem
            I like these colors also.Make for some wild ones.

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male day🤞Dream on.


              I really like that one fatal! Very pretty design!


                Wampus, you covered most of the ones I would have squeaked for.

                I have Dante and he is easily one of my favorites that I own, next to Banter, who is an appy with a blue mane and blue spots-similar to Copernicus. I’d love a baby to match Dante

                and my Banter is similar to this one, which I love and wouldn’t mind having (hint hint to whomever has her…)

                more grey ones like Vesper and Luna

                and more blue and white ones similar to Serif…although I would have liked Serif more with blue eyes

                I really liked Forest too


                  I can understand a price increase – if they are crazier colors they are likely a lot harder to paint and take more time to make them look beautiful! But I do agree that a $30 jump on an item that was only $65 is a bit much.. $20 I can understand, but $30 just might break me.

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!



                    know a lot of people liked this baby….









                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

                    Wampus Dragon


                        What I mean is the grab bag unicorns that are going to be available NEXT are definitely the PAINT PUKE variety. If you don’t like zappacalicoloosa paint puke, wait for the next batch!

                        Will there be any solid color fantasy ones, especially purple like Star or Lily. I want one to match my young. (I know, I need to get my pictures in…)


                          What I mean is the grab bag unicorns that are going to be available NEXT are definitely the PAINT PUKE variety. If you don’t like zappacalicoloosa paint puke, wait for the next batch!

                          Will there be any solid color fantasy ones, especially purple like Star or Lily. I want one to match my young. (I know, I need to get my pictures in…)

                          The ones I am doing now won’t match anything!
                          Maybe I should do a separate batch of more “ordinary” fantasy ones.


                            Really looking forward to seeing your newest creations, Melody! 🙂


                              Ohh.. won’t match anything? My interest in these is perking up more and more… but I definitely will not buy one if they’re hiked up another $30. .. could understand $10 or $15
                              I also understand the possible need to limit to 1, even if just for this batch.. then go back to limit of 2, I’d like something of a chance at these so long as the price isn’t too bad and I like enough colors that I’m feeling ok with my odds on em 🙂

                              So a friend pointed this out on the Overo Mother uni you just had in the ebay store (not the current one, the one that just closed) and sparked a nifty idea! On the small image on her phone she thought she saw the markings making other unicorns, the one up the neck (right side) had a bit of the look… it would be kinda cute if you could work in other unicorns into the markings of these (Though, understandable if you wouldn’t be able to fit them on the babys, maybe something to do on Young? or future ebay adult uni’s)


                              I don’t mind paying more, particularly if that means Melody can devote more time to them.

                              My squeeks are for stripes and odd colored eyes… green, orange, red, butter yellow…

                              Green anything really…I’m a green fan and the ones with green on them became very expensive very quickly.


                                Maybe I should do a separate batch of more “ordinary” fantasy ones.

                                that would be fun for the batch after this one, we always love more babies…for now, stay with crazy colors for this batch though, they sound awesome! I want to see tons of craziness in this batch! *is excited*

                                4 things I'm looking for:
                                1. Mother Meerkat
                                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

                              Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 81 total)
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