Gargoyles Live-Action Movie 2017?

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      For the 3 people, including myself, on the forum who were/are fans of the old cartoon, there has been rumor of “official” word concerning a live-action Gargoyles movie to be released in 2017. My college professor, being the mega nerd he is, told me this. He goes to all the ComiCons. Apparently he was listening to a podcast where professionals in the field (the names escape me) were asked what project they would like to work on if given the chance. One of the guys replied (to paraphrase) something along the lines of, “It’s not only something I’d like to work on, but something I AM working on. It’s Gargoyles, from the old cartoon.”

      I’ve heard about plans for a movie before so I wouldn’t get excited yet. Google it for yourself. The plug could still be pulled on this movie considering it’s years away! If it IS true, I’m not sure how to feel about it. I personally feel like some of these franchise reboot movies ruin my fav. childhood shows. Ehum, Michael Bay movies, ehum. On the flip side, I’d like to see what they do with the franchise…I think.

      For more rumors…there is talk of bringing the characters into the Marvel universe. So Disney has possibly decided to stop sitting on the franchise eh? It’s only been 20 years (wow, now I feel old). They joked about Robert Downey Jr. playing the part of Xanatos or Brooklyn. Ehhh, Robert Downey Jr. is already set as Iron Man in my mind so that would be kind of weird. I don’t know if Jonathan Franks is retired from acting, but with a spray tan, a pony tail, and a pound of makeup he could be Xanatos considering he was the voice actor for the cartoon character anyway. Heh, just a fun thought.

      Well, we can only wait and see. What do you guys think?


        If this is for real, I mean really, Really, REAL… then WAHOO!!! That would be awesome!! *bounces excitedly *

        tdm :bigsmile:



          Sounds interesting…as long as Michael Bay has nothing to do with it. -coughs-

          As for Robert Downey Jr., I could totally see him playing Xanatos. He was good at playing a self possessed guy in Iron Man, and that certainly works for Xanatos. Just add in a dash of sneaky/sly and he’ll do just fine.

          Celestial Rainstorm

            *Closes eyes*

            *Tear rolls slowly down cheek*


            Finding happiness again.


              If done properly it could be an awesome movie! It’s too bad Jonathan Frakes is kinda too old to play Xanatos. I just looked him up on IMDB and, yeah, he’s not looking quite so sexy anymore, lol. I have fond memories of watching Gargoyles on Disney with my kids every night after dinner and IF they make a live-action movie based on the series I’ll simply Have to take them to see it! 😀

              Celestial Rainstorm

                Just pop the Star Trek crew back in it XD

                Finding happiness again.


                  If even something as simple as a RUMOR gets them to release the rest of the Gargoyles seasons on DVD, I will shed a happy tear and need a defibulator. I will be very cautiously optimistic, and hope to not be disappointed, but all I can envision is something along the lines of Warriors of Virtue. *shudder*


                    If even something as simple as a RUMOR gets them to release the rest of the Gargoyles seasons on DVD, I will shed a happy tear and need a defibulator. I will be very cautiously optimistic, and hope to not be disappointed, but all I can envision is something along the lines of Warriors of Virtue. *shudder*

                    Yes. This. I wish they would release the last episodes.

                    I just met Jonathan Frakes 2-3 weeks ago. He seems more focused on the directing end of the industry now, though we didn’t discuss that (wish I had asked what his future projects were). He is looking well, but definitely not his Cmdr. Riker days. 🙂 Marina Sirtis is as lovely as ever (met her too… lovely, warm, genuinely pleasant person), but she only needs to lend her voice for Demona.

                    Celestial Rainstorm

                      Ahhh, Riker. He was always my second-favorite after Picard. Its so cool you got to meet him!

                      Finding happiness again.


                        I’m not getting my hopes up about the movie…at all. I’ll believe the rumors when I see a trailer. I agree with you guys about the last season though. I know hardcore fans hated it, but I still want to see it released mainly because I don’t remember it at all! It’s been over a decade, maybe more, since I’ve seen the show. I bought the available seasons, but now I have to sit and wonder about the last one and why it was so terrible. Ahg!

                        I’d just love to see the animated series picked up again after season 2, but we all know that won’t happen because Disney won’t let it and we’re witnessing the slow death of 2-D animated television (western) cartoons. Seems like most toons are 3-d animated and mostly movies these days, though a few 2-d toons are hanging in there like SpongeBob as an example, but even the new SB movie will be half 3-d animated.

                        For me, Riker wasn’t Riker until he grew the beard.
                         photo riker-beard-star-trek.gif

                        Data is actually my favorite character because no matter how hard he tried to fit in, he could never quite do it. And why did they have to kill him off in Nemesis! That movie is not canon in my mind. Worst Star Trek movie ever! Felt like a bad syfy channel movie.

                        That’s so awesome you got to meet Franks and Sirtis, siberakh1! I hope they go to the Dallas comic con next year so I can see them before they stop attending those things.

                        If the STNG actors WOULD do the supposed Gargoyles movie, I think all of them could get away with it as voice actors, except for Franks. Xanatos is really the only character from the STNG actors that can’t be replaced by animation and special effects. 🙁


                          Hopes aren’t high, but I will be watching this sharply!

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                          Ooooh my husband and I would both be over the moon if this were true. I hope Disney catches the excitement of the fans and decides to run with it!

                          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                            I’d be stoked if this happened, Gargoyles was a great show! 😀

                            Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at


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