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      There are some nice-looking pets on there. Now my question is, what do you do with them?


      The same thing you do with the Dragon Eggs that you steal from the cave. 🙂

      Click us to help us grow!


      You can rp and breed the pets. 🙂 Other than that they’re just nice to look at. And the minishop pixel pets and such are fun to collect, like the dragons (though I don’t have any of those).


      So, a question about the paper found in the towns. How do you exchange it to get what you want? In the town I have enough for a few hats but, when I go to the hat shop it shows that I have nothing.

      Another question…. Has anyone caught an enchanted chest? I caught one in town….. now what do I do with it?


      Did you click the ‘exchange trash’ button under Ruby?

      If you get any chests or boxes you can sell or open them. To open it, just go to your inventory and click on it, and it should ask you if you want to open it. If you’re not sure if you want to open or sell it, you can check TekTek for a list of what is in each chest/box. They have prices there too.


        Romeodanny wrote:

        So, a question about the paper found in the towns. How do you exchange it to get what you want? In the town I have enough for a few hats but, when I go to the hat shop it shows that I have nothing.

        I did this too! When you’re in a town, make sure you open the little purse thing in the corner (it probably says Items). There’s a robot in there that asks if you want to save your junk into your main Inventory. After you do that, then you can go make hats and stuff. I’m pretty sure there’s no auto-save feature, so you’ll have to do that manually any other time you start collecting things out in town.


        These eggs need some serious help

        KMD4me wrote:

        my eggs need serious help!
        some of them have less than a day left and they havent started cracking yet! Please help them!

        my hatchling needs some help too!

        thanks for clicking!!! 😀

        Seudig**Bedelia*Purple*White*Silver* D Green


          Anyone want a Kaya the Cat? None of you have made wishlists so I can’t tell what anyone wants! XD

          Well, I take that back. A couple of you have. >.>


          My wishlist if full of pets. I don’t really collect the avatar items… I hoard monthly letters to sell/trade for pets when they’re worth a lot though. =P


          I am dragonessjade on there as well. I just joined because of the dragon eggs. I tried to go fishing, but I can’t seem to ever catch a fish. Anyone know a trick (not that I will have much time for gaia anyway).


            dragonessjade wrote:

            I am dragonessjade on there as well. I just joined because of the dragon eggs. I tried to go fishing, but I can’t seem to ever catch a fish. Anyone know a trick (not that I will have much time for gaia anyway).

            Kukuku. I .>; The other fishing holes are boring, unless you’re still learning. I worked my way up through them. e.e The best pole (imo) is the Distance Pole Plus. You can get the fish that are way out there, AND your pulling space is wider. Both are positive things!


              OMG! I don’t know if any of you is the lovely person who donated me my dragon skin, but if so… I LOVE YOU!
              I’m retarded… I saw that something had be given to me a few days ago, but didn’t notice what it was until now. Now I gotta get some new clothes… I look like a blue-skinned nerd right now (the face scales look like giant glasses).

              ACK! And I can wear the other Superior Form skins too! This is just frickin’ AWESOME.


              I didn’t have much luck with the fishing either. I had a hard time staying between the lines. 🙂

              Someone gave me an anonymous gift too. I posted a Thank You in the comments section of my profile hoping that they’d see it.
              If it’s someone here, Thank You So Much! 😀

              I’m Cricket2008 if anyone receives a friend invite from me. 🙂

              Click us to help us grow!


              I was gryphondreamer on there. but that account got mysteriously swept up in the bazaar blocking incident of march 10th. I am really pissed because I just bought a few things from the cash shop, with cash. I have been given no reason for the blocking. I have not done anything against the tos or rules.

              So, now I am SilverFawn. You might have seen me post a few times on the dragon bumping thread, which took for ever to find on my own.

              Sorry for the rant. I am just a little annoyed this happened. And it happened to quite a lot of people, mostly adults. I am trying to let it go, because it really is not worth it.

              Anyway, you can friend both, and if you friended gryphondreamer and i didnt get back to you, it is because i do not have access to that account. So, friend SilverFawn.

              i love word bump and the jigsaw puzzles. fishing can be frustrating

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