I have started giving the fuzzies that show up at my house my favorite rescue husky’s names that we have had here. They have all found thier forever homes, but have left permanent paw prints on my heart…
John Wayne tagged along with the sable husky I was able to get…

The Sable Husky now guards Tundra’s urn, but John thought it wasn’t safe because of the cats…so he went to live with Beauty in the curio….

So when Pancake came in today with Serif (my GB Young Uni), they stared eachother down from a distance…Pancake refused to come off of Serif…

But after looking at eachother from a distance for a while, I knew it was just best to leave them alone. Wouldn’t you know it…I caught them cuddling a little while later.
Looking forward to having more husky fuzzies come stay with me…