Future fantasy grab bag?

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      Hello Melody,
      I’m aware that your very busy working on several different projects. But, I was wondering have you ever done or have considered doing a fantasy grab bag of any of the dragons? Maybe a future grab bag when things aren’t so hectic?
      I know you have been trying to resolve an issue with the horns for the unicorns, and I saw that you mentioned something about a poad grab bag in the works. Which sounds great! Just a thought I figured I’d throw out there, not that your not already over run with ideas and projects from your very appreciative and demanding fans. 🙂


        :crazy: Count me in! Grab bag dragons, like the youngs or fledglings (something smallish), would be a 20 on the “OH HECK YES” scale!


        O dear lord yes, grab bag dragons would be the greatest thing ever, especially if they were fledglings! It’s something about the face, they all look like naughty kittens to me.
        I can see how generating that many different patterns would be challenging, but fantasy unicorns and poads are also limitless in how colors and patterns can be applied to them; the trick could be to limit time and colors per piece, so nothing really complicated and time-devouring forces its way into the batch.
        I will continue praying for the miracle that is grab bag dragons.


          I would be doomed…but happy.

          Keeper of the Fledgings

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