Further conniveries

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  • #619607

    Now that PT has her black sunset griffin, some of us are organizing something similar as an ongoing perk for members who need a bit of sunshine during hard times.
    Of course there won’t always be somebody in need. But for now, just in advance, we thought we’d find out what resources we have on hand.
    For example, is there anybody out there who has an unloved Windstone and would be willing to put it in the “Windstone Charity” fund? Preferably nothing smashed to bits, of course…
    If you’d rather not give up one of your own, there’s the option of giving a few bucks, like we did with the griffin.
    If you’re willing to donate in any way – again, there’s nothing concrete yet; we’re just finding out who we might call on if the need pops up – please PM or preferably e-mail me. My e-mail is in my profile.
    Thanks! 😀



      Emailed you!! 😀


      Got it. Thanks! 😀


      My email is slumbering right now and Im only using my yahoo addy (which I dont ever use and often forget is even there) because my computer with AOL is slumbering.

      Im PMing you as a last resort. Sorry!


        I think that is a great idea. PM’d you


        PhoenixTears wrote:

        My email is slumbering right now and Im only using my yahoo addy (which I dont ever use and often forget is even there) because my computer with AOL is slumbering.

        Im PMing you as a last resort. Sorry!

        PM works too! I just don’t want my inbox flooded to the point of 100% so I miss some PMs. Thanks. 😀


          Emailed ya…


          Got it and re’ed. 😀


          Eek! I’ve only been gone a few days! But emailing now.


          Got it, Bosky. Thanks.
          I’m headed for London this evening, but I hope I can PM all our volunteers from there.


            London???? 😯


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Got it, Bosky. Thanks.
            I’m headed for London this evening, but I hope I can PM all our volunteers from there.

            Youre just a travelin’ machine girlie! Be safe!


            To everybody who replied to this post and offered assistance: I will be e-mailing or PMing you as soon as I find out the last detail. I need to know from Jasmine, though, who initially asked Draco… Bear with us, anyway, please.


            Thanks to everybody who’s participated in our second plot. Next time I need to remember to account for PayPal’s highway robbery… 😕

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