
Fudge the KiRin

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    Can you tell I’m craving some chocolate fudge cake? 😆 He was supposed to get wings, but I couldn’t figure out how to attatch them after the paint was on….Anywho….Any furred area is pastels. Only a few coats this time, I really liked how the lighter color I used underneath comes thru a little. Scales & hooves are painted with Liquitex, mid line scales are done in pearl ex pigment, copper. I also did a touch of pearl ex interference violet powder on the hooves.


    That’s really pretty.

    As for attaching wings, I use a hand drill with an itty bitty bit and drill tiny holes for the wing wire to slide into. Then superglue it in once I am sure of the fit.

    I know the idea of drilling into a Windstone is scary, but I’ve done it twice now and both kirins survived the procedure very well. so if you still want to do your wings, that is one way you could do it.



    Thanks! When you say ah and drill, what do you mean? Like a dremel type drill? I thought about it but figured I would try it out on one that wasn’t nearly finished. I did just slap some on a kirin today w/ apoxie sculpt, but now I’m wondering how I’ll paint it because I can’t spray the wings. Rules out pastels, which is a big deal for me because I really like using them on the furry guys….


      That kirin is very pretty! 😀




      Very nice and natural-looking.


      It reminds me of cinnamon, rather than chocolate ^_^

      Adorable. Good luck on eBay!


        Yum! He is puuurty!


        very cute,why cant you spray the wings ❓ mine i have a clay set so theres a wood handled drill on both ends two diffrent sizes,i glued with 527 glue which is a more flexable glue,then i used apoxy around and behind the wings,when i sprayed my fixative i just sprayed the wings to,are your wings not plastic ❓


        asinnamon wrote:

        Thanks! When you say ah and drill, what do you mean? Like a dremel type drill? I thought about it but figured I would try it out on one that wasn’t nearly finished. I did just slap some on a kirin today w/ apoxie sculpt, but now I’m wondering how I’ll paint it because I can’t spray the wings. Rules out pastels, which is a big deal for me because I really like using them on the furry guys….

        I have a really old hand drill, it has a little hand crank on it, and I position the drill and turn the crank. Gives me lots of control and does it slowly so that if the gypsum shows any sign of a problem, I can stop immediately.

        A dremel might work, if you can go slow. I suspect a big build up of friction heat could cause cracks, which is why I don’t suggest a power drill for this.

        If you do use a dremel, do it in stages, so it doesn’t get too warm while you drill.

        What kind of wings are you using?



        beautiful! Love the belly shot, what a cutie.


        Kyrin, I’m using wings I got from ebay:

        This is the seller


        They are beautiful, flexible and look like they were done by an artist, not a grade schooler!! 😆


          Those are some pretty wings!

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