
FS: Sunburnt Black Tribal PYO Griffin

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  • #489937


    Any interest before eBay?
    UPDATE: now on eBay
    9 Photos Here:


    Thank you very much for looking, I really appreciate it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Spoken like a true resin horse collector- time payments and all ๐Ÿ˜€


      CherylKaufman wrote:

      Spoken like a true resin horse collector- time payments and all ๐Ÿ˜€



      He’s gorgeous Unicorn! I wish I had something to trade ya…. but the PYOs I just received… i want to paint… ๐Ÿ™


      Hehe, yes, time payments I am very familiar with. :mrgreen:

      Yeah I figured I’d be *really* lucky to find someone who’d wanna trade me unpainted PYO’s (dare to dream, right?).

      Thanks guys! He is kinda different lookin’ with his blue markings. I really wanted to paint a black griffin but I was trying things to make him look not so plain. The other idea I had was a black griffin that just had a lot of blue or purple on his wings, but I was thinking windstone already had a factory finish one somewhat like that.


        UnicornLvr wrote:

        Hehe, yes, time payments I am very familiar with. :mrgreen:

        Yeah I figured I’d be *really* lucky to find someone who’d wanna trade me unpainted PYO’s (dare to dream, right?).

        Thanks guys! He is kinda different lookin’ with his blue markings. I really wanted to paint a black griffin but I was trying things to make him look not so plain. The other idea I had was a black griffin that just had a lot of blue or purple on his wings, but I was thinking windstone already had a factory finish one somewhat like that.

        depends how you do it….they’re ok as long as it doesn’t look the same…

        I totally dig this one….I’ve got tons of unpainted PYO’s….LOL

        I’m working on painting 4 right now though


        Thanks frozen! Nice of you to say!

        Well I went ahead and put him on eBay. I am working on a mural this weekend and I don’t think I’ll be on the forums much. If he ends up not selling though and anyone may want to buy or trade just send me a message! Thank you bunches!

        Here’s his link:


          I love your skill in making the PYOs look woody or coppery. I just think the BIN price seems rather low…


            Yeah, the BIN is a touch low. Man, if I weren’t pinching my pennies this month, I’d buy it!


              Ohhh I love it!! I’m a sucker for blue on black too. I’ve had black gryphon with blue markings in the works forever, lol. I swear I’ll actually finish him one of these days. I love all the subtle colours :O


                You do really well with that coppery color. I love the wings on this guy.


                OOOO, If I had a extra PYO I would trade in a heartbeat.


                Thanks for the words guys, even on your opinions of my pricing.

                I’m still not comfortable pricing my PYO work. I have problems judging whether the price I want is too low or too high. Hopefully as I paint more and sell more I’ll get a better feeling for it.

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