Frozendragon's PYO's revisited

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Frozendragon's PYO's revisited

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      These are my PYO’s from several years ago..

      yeah.. It might seem I’m being a little petty… but recently there’s been a little to do about people copying.. and someone had to remove their PYO’s because they were to similar or some such BS…

      but after doing almost 200 PYO’s I haven’t been petty enough to ask people to remove theirs..

      but I do see a lot of copying.. and a lot of mine were copied as well.. I really wish the forum was like it was in 2006.. less petty less bickering.. less whining… and less BS.. and people wonder why I don’t come here as much

      There is one dragon up right now that is painted in exactly the same “style” I paint mine.. I have not asked that person to remove it nor do I intend to.. nor do I think it’s fair to ruin someone’s fun.. just because it bears a resemblance to something I’ve done.. it’s happened several times..

      Life goes on



        I’m sorry, but if you’re referring to one of my most recent dragons, I hate to tell you but gradients aren’t anything new.. I’ve never seen any of your work before, and I’ve never copied anyone else’s work.

        It’s a big world and there’s a lot of people with a lot of ideas. How can anyone possibly be surprised that sometimes people have similar ideas? It’s not “copying”, it’s as simple as a similar style.

        Also – if you’re trying to use BB code it doesn’t work on this forum yet. HTML does. will work to put up images, just remove the underscore at the beginning and replace “HTTP LINK HERE” with your link.

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          The new way to post images is below. Hopefully there will soon be tabs right on the same page as there was in the old forum, rather than copying/pasting for each line as is needed now. In order for you to see how to do this (and not have the picture show up instead), I inserted a space after the first <.

          Remove that space, and you will get this:


            “but recently there’s been a little to do about people copying.. and someone had to remove their PYO’s because they were to similar or some such BS…”

            Also.. did I miss this completely? I haven’t seen any such drama on the forum for months…

            Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


              Frozen, I really miss you and a bunch of the oldies from the start of the forum!

              However, passive aggressive nips at other members is not okay– and in fact bringing it back up only re-starts the drama! I’m not sure why you would want to bait like this. 🙁 You KNOW if you have a problem you can come to me, or if it’s ‘bigger’ than me and over my head, you can talk to one of the bigwigs.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Frozen, I have highly respected you for many years and have been witness to a LOT of drama on the forum. I know exactly what you’re referring to, but I have to disagree with you. There is people having nearly identical ideas and basic similarities between peoples paint styles and such that is just going to happen when you amass a group as large as this forum has become… it’s just going to happen. None of us ever mean to hurt another artist’s feelings when this happens and 95% of the time I think the similarities are completely unintentional.

                Then there is blatantly ripping off someone else’s idea which is exactly what was happening. So much so the thread was completely deleted, which is why some people are probably a bit lost as to what you’re referring to. *shrug* Anyway, I’m not a moderator, but I call it like I see it and this seems like a thread that’s just going to stir up trouble for no good reason.

                As far as you seemingly pointing the finger at Hannah for the gradual fade of color on her recent PYO, I’m pretty certain for a fact she hasn’t been on the forum long enough to even know you or your PYOs existed to try and copy your scheme. You haven’t really posted any PYOs for a LONG time. I don’t think it’s right for you to openly throw mud one someone like that, or begrudge another artist trying to protect their work by making someone else feel bad about theirs. I’m sure it was just a coincidence, it’s not THAT unusual of an idea.

                Don’t all freak out on me now, I’m on vacation starting tomorrow so I probably wont be able to reply to everyone screaming at me anyway. I’m just trying to squash this before it gets ugly.

                EDITED OOps, guess the mod got here while I was typing my response >_< Well, anyway. I hope this just gets dropped. There's been WAY too much fighting lately!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  “As far as you seemingly pointing the finger at Hannah for the gradual fade of color on her recent PYO…”

                  Drag0n is right that Hannah is a fairly recent forum member. I’m pretty sure she’s never seen any of Frozen’s dragons…
                  That said, fading isn’t a copyrighted thing (gradation tool anyone?). I’m pretty sure I’ve seen several “fades” pyos.

                  Sigh. I’m getting tired of seeing people attack other people for “pyo painting style theft”. It comes with the artist territory, I know… but still. We’re painting premade sculptures. We are not drawing something from our heads. There are only so many ways a sculpture can be painted. Eventually, everything may look like another sculpt. You know?

                  Wampus Dragon

                    There are only so many ways a sculpture can be painted. Eventually, everything may look like another sculpt. You know?

                    This is the point people are missing when they cry art theft over a paint job on a pre-made sculpture. Just because one person paints a phoenix that looks like its on fire, doesnt mean someone else cant. Every brush stroke is different, every color mixture is different, even if they are close resemblance. Every artist can have a different(or even similar) take on the same idea.


                      There are only so many ways a sculpture can be painted. Eventually, everything may look like another sculpt. You know?

                      This is the point people are missing when they cry art theft over a paint job on a pre-made sculpture. Just because one person paints a phoenix that looks like its on fire, doesnt mean someone else cant. Every brush stroke is different, every color mixture is different, even if they are close resemblance. Every artist can have a different(or even similar) take on the same idea.

                      That is absolutely true, and that’s the beauty of creativity; everyone can have a different take on a different subject and interpret it differently!

                      However, in the case that is being referred to here, it was deemed direct infringement by John. It was dealt with in private.

                      I love you guys but I think this thread is probably just incensing people further. If anyone needs to talk about it you can contact me. If you’re not comfortable doing that you can contact someone above me. Either way.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:

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