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  • #590025

    How much was the frog prince? What would i be looking to spend to get one now?



      I don’t know what it was when it was new, but I picked one up for under $40. Although, that was probably lucky.

      I have to just add that I really love him! He’s so cute.


      I know a shop that has one and there is one on ebay that i would love 😀 No customs again yay.


        Well I finally got my frog prince a week or so ago.. I paid under 60 bucks for him but then I had to pay customs and S&H as well.. so it worked out to like 75$ US.


        Hmm ok thanks ive got enough maby i can get the frog wiz thats on ebay as well, assuming he goes for less then the ones in the shop 🙂


          I saw the frogs on ebay! Goodluck Griff!

          I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


          😀 Let me know if you want first dibs on anything that pops up Aldana 😀


            Ok but I really want to save up for an OW now! Or a male dragon for my mother dragon…

            I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


              I got the frogs for my mother and they’re so cute! 🙂
              I must admit though, the wizard’s my favorite. He just looks so ticked off about something. I’m thinking of getting one for myself, instead of waiting a few decades for my mom’s.

              Edit to add: I also paid approx. $50 each for mine, sorry I didn’t say before.


              I think I paid $50 for mine in a store.


              Aldana if im not keen on my peacock male that i have on the way let me know if you want him 😀
              Next on the list is a white OW 8)


                I paid $60-70 (U.S.) for my Frog Prince, I think, and I bought him from a store that was closing — it was after he was retired, but I don’t think the store knew he was. 🙂

                Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                Did you get the frogs on, Griffiness? They ended at very good prices.


                Oh yes i did i forgot to say on here i think.

                I got the frog wiz for £10.50 and the prince for £21 i think 😀

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