I don’t know if there is an Aunt Annie’s Pretzel place near where you live but I just got an email from them saying that tomorrow Feb. 2nd is their 20th birthday and all their shops nationwide are giving away free plain or cinnamon sugar pretzels between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM Sat. Feb. 2nd. Aunt Annies’s are great pretzels I get one everytime I go over to the mall. Love em
This is legit I am on their email list and every so often they sent out an email that has freebies all you have to do is print out the coupon and take it to the nearest shop.
I don’t know if there is an Aunt Annie’s Pretzel place near where you live
I just checked, and the closest to me is 150 miles away. And I really don’t want to be opening the store late tomorrow – new Magic set out and I need to sell a bunch ASAP.
Just checked their website. It’s legit! I had to go to the mall tomorrow anyways to try on a dress for a wedding I had on order (punk weddings… yeah!). Guess I know where I’ll be getting a bite to eat! I’ll just have to buy the marinara sauce 😉
I don’t know if there is an Aunt Annie’s Pretzel place near where you live
I just checked, and the closest to me is 150 miles away. And I really don’t want to be opening the store late tomorrow – new Magic set out and I need to sell a bunch ASAP.
Oh well. And I love pretzels, too.
Magic, I really need to go through what is left of my decks and sell off the rares.
Our local mall only has a few stores left, but Auntie Annie’s is one of them! I went and got my pretzel, what a fun birthday present! 😉 It was delicious.
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