Fraudulent (yet legitimate??) eBay email: re Windstone

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Fraudulent (yet legitimate??) eBay email: re Windstone

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    twindragonsmum wrote:

    2Huberts wrote:

    I already said this once, and I’ll say it one more time. Anyone with half a brain can figure out about 75% of the bidders.

    Then I guess I haven’t even got half a brain ’cause I’ve never been able to figure it out 😈 XD

    twindragonsmum XD

    I guess I don’t have half a brain either…


    Eh, you could if you took the time. It’s just a bother – to me – to go comparing feedback and letters, so if I’m curious about something, I’ll ask another forum member.
    Did you write back anything to that Zyrowski guy, Tyrrlin? Tell him you already received the griffin and what the *ç%”# does he think he’s talking about? You wouldn’t get an answer, of course…


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Eh, you could if you took the time. It’s just a bother – to me – to go comparing feedback and letters, so if I’m curious about something, I’ll ask another forum member.
      Did you write back anything to that Zyrowski guy, Tyrrlin? Tell him you already received the griffin and what the *ç%”# does he think he’s talking about? You wouldn’t get an answer, of course…

      No, I didn’t write back. I figured the account was probably hacked. :shrug:

      Windstone collector in remission. 😉


        Leigha wrote:

        twindragonsmum wrote:

        2Huberts wrote:

        I already said this once, and I’ll say it one more time. Anyone with half a brain can figure out about 75% of the bidders.

        Then I guess I haven’t even got half a brain ’cause I’ve never been able to figure it out 😈 XD

        twindragonsmum XD

        I guess I don’t have half a brain either…

        Goofballs XD 😈


        you know, considering how high that autumn forest OW is up to on bidding thus far, in case the winning bidder is not somebody who has seen this thread, maybe Windstone should notify the winner that if they get a suspicious email, to forward it the Ebay’s spoof team. I would hate for somebody to email that person back, or click on something in the email, and something bad happen to them. 🙄


        Tyrrlin wrote:

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Eh, you could if you took the time. It’s just a bother – to me – to go comparing feedback and letters, so if I’m curious about something, I’ll ask another forum member.
        Did you write back anything to that Zyrowski guy, Tyrrlin? Tell him you already received the griffin and what the *ç%”# does he think he’s talking about? You wouldn’t get an answer, of course…

        No, I didn’t write back. I figured the account was probably hacked. :shrug:

        True… Do you think the owner of the hacked account knows about it by now? Otherwise writing back might alert them to the fact.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Tyrrlin wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Eh, you could if you took the time. It’s just a bother – to me – to go comparing feedback and letters, so if I’m curious about something, I’ll ask another forum member.
          Did you write back anything to that Zyrowski guy, Tyrrlin? Tell him you already received the griffin and what the *ç%”# does he think he’s talking about? You wouldn’t get an answer, of course…

          No, I didn’t write back. I figured the account was probably hacked. :shrug:

          True… Do you think the owner of the hacked account knows about it by now? Otherwise writing back might alert them to the fact.

          I hope so. However, if I write them back, would I be opening myself up to more spamming emails? It’s a thought before I decide whether or not to reply.

          Windstone collector in remission. 😉


          NO, you should absolutely not reply to the email. You did forward it to the spoof team at Ebay right? They will probably be likely to find the IP address of where it came from, and disable it from there and try to shut them down. It may take awhile, but if you do any answering back, you WILL get spam and more phishing emails. I recently dodged a bullet, when I listed a laptop on Craigslist. Somebody wanted me to accept a Paypal payment, which was fine with me, but then the next email was from “Paypal” saying I had money in my account, pending my shipment of the laptop——to Nigeria!!! 👿 I called Paypal and they said I had no money in my account, pending or otherwise, and so I didn’t click on anything in the email, fortunately, I just forwarded it to their spoof team, and I still kept getting more emails from “Paypal” about why the payment was secure, and forwarded them on. After being forwarded, I had been instructed to delete them from my computer. What was really scary, was they started sending phishing “Paypal” emails to an email address I have not linked to Paypal at all, so I knew that was a scam. It took me 2-3 months for all that to stop. I never put my email address on Craigslist anymore, if they can’t call me on the phone, and deal with me locally, with cash, forget it. 👿


            Oyyy! That’s really scary! 😮



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