It’s not really a fake or an infringement, it’s just a seller who’s copied another seller’s auction. I imagine he does have an item to sell, but it’s against ebay rules to use someone else’s description and images, and it also doesn’t inspire confidence.
To my mind this is a lot more suspicious than using stock photos (as was discussed in a recent thread).
Could they have hit the “sell one like this”? I don’t know what happens when you hit it because I’m not a seller. I guess what I’m saying is when you hit the button does it copy and paste the other person’s auction?
I’m pretty sure it won’t host the other person’s photos for you too–so the guy would have had to save the original pics and upload them himself. Or at least copy the URLs of the original pics depending on how he embedded the images. It seems kind of shady.
Could they have hit the “sell one like this”? I don’t know what happens when you hit it because I’m not a seller. I guess what I’m saying is when you hit the button does it copy and paste the other person’s auction?
No, “sell one like this” only copies the category, all the rest of the selling form stays blank.
Edit: They have now changed the pictures and description, but with such a bad start, I wouldn’t be willing to risk it.