
Found Store with Retired Pieces

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    bayoudragon wrote:

    I am going to call Friday and find out what’s going on. But with the way my luck has been going lately, I don’t have a good feeling about this. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ I’m one of those people who thinks that everything happens for a reason… however, the universe is messin’ with my Windstone collecting, and I am not happy about it. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    You too, huh? I feel you on that one. I have tried to bring home 4 and only 1 made it. Still my only piece. Why are you having trouble bringing home your Winstones?


    bayoudragon wrote:

    Well, I called, and there will be no dragon for me. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    First, they said they never received a check. Second, when I inquired about the dragon, they said the one I wanted (supposedly put on hold for me) was no longer there. hmmm…. This retired piece that had been sitting there for who knows how long is (now suddenly) no longer there. The part that ticks me off the most is now I have to cough up money to get this check cancelled by my bank. I don’t like spending money and getting nothing in return. ๐Ÿ˜ก

    *sigh* I’m just going to let this roll right off, like water off a duck’s back. I’m just gonna suck it up and let it go, because if I dwell on this and contemplate on why this happened, it’s just going to make me angry… and that’s not the type of person I want to be.

    I’m still pissed about having to cancel the check though.
    Have you done a stop payment on that check? Even though they might have already cashed it you can get your money back on it.


      Thanks SilverArrow! Although it only makes me want the Dark Peacock Oriental more ๐Ÿ˜ฅ He’s so beautiful.


        I stopped payment on it today. It costs me $32 DOLLARS… not 10, not 25… 32!!! That’s half a curly payment! Heck, that’s a PYO! ๐Ÿ™„ I can’t believe how ticked I am. I was expecting to pay $25, but when they said $32, it just added salt to the wound. This is why I do PayPal… LOL.

        I keep telling myself it’s only money, but it doesn’t help. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

        Out of all the Windstones I’ve collected in the past couple months, none have given me this much trouble. Some experiences have been downright fantastic. I won an old green male off of ebay, and after I sent my payment, I received an e-mail asking if I wanted it dropped off at my work. Wait… dropped off!? Yep, the seller lived in the same town, and he refunded me the shipping. I got it the next day. What are the odds of that happening!??

        This must be karma working itself out. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


          It just means when you finally get him it will be that much more special. I fought and fought for a black male unicorn losing countless auctions. When I finally won him I was through the roof. Even though he arrived damaged I still wanted to keep him. The seller worked with me, refunding half of what I paid, and I glued the pieces back together. I’ve debated sending him to Kyrin, but I would miss his “battle scars” so he’s stayed here so far.


            Like the awful fight with my male Kirin who arrived damaged! But it’s true, having to fight for them does make finally getting your hands on one that much more special when it happens. I love my little guy.

            That sucks, Bayou. That’s a lot of money just to cancel, ick. I guess with Windstones, you win some and you lose some…literally ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


              Yah, I keep telling myself that I can’t complain about these things. I got an ark candlelamp on ebay for $9.00, came out to $25.00 with shipping. Has only 2 little rubs on the bottom back side. I wasn’t even looking for one, but I couldn’t pass it up! ๐Ÿ˜†


                $32 to cancel a check?!? Last I checked it was $25!!


                Yeah, mine charges $39! Outrageous!!


                  39!? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I guess the banks are hurting so bad they have to find a way to rmake money one way or another. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


                    Last time I placed a stop payment on a check, it was $38– I had no idea that the fee would be so high, and I wasn’t told it was so much! When I called to place it they didn’t tell me either, so boy was a surprised when the charge hit my account. The kicker is that the check was for $40, so in the end I only saved $2.00… augh.

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                    Wow… ๐Ÿ˜ฎ That is alot for a stop payment. Banks will get their money one way or another. :nea: I have dealt with a credit union so I didnt know it was that bad. Unions aren’t high with their rates if any at all.


                      angelwitnoeyes wrote:

                      Wow… ๐Ÿ˜ฎ That is alot for a stop payment. Banks will get their money one way or another. :nea: I have dealt with a credit union so I didnt know it was that bad. Unions aren’t high with their rates if any at all.

                      My husband and I are with a credit union (Navy FCU) and you got me curious as to what the stop payment fees are. The Web site says $15.00, but I can’t remember if that is what we were charged the last time we did a stop payment or not. It was two or three years ago.


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      angelwitnoeyes wrote:

                      Wow… ๐Ÿ˜ฎ That is alot for a stop payment. Banks will get their money one way or another. :nea: I have dealt with a credit union so I didnt know it was that bad. Unions aren’t high with their rates if any at all.

                      My husband and I are with a credit union (Navy FCU) and you got me curious as to what the stop payment fees are. The Web site says $15.00, but I can’t remember if that is what we were charged the last time we did a stop payment or not. It was two or three years ago.

                      My Credit Union only charges $10. It just depends on who you bank with. Hancock charges $30. Some even get up to $45.


                        I have Wells Fargo, and about 2 years ago I needed to cancel a check. The fee was $10, but since I was a longstanding account and had never canceled a check, they even waived the fee for me. Has anyone tried to cancel with Wells lately?

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