
Found Store with Retired Pieces

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  • #763226

      Hi All!

      I stumbled across a store with quite a few retired pieces. Prices range from release price up to Ebay prices. All appeared to be pristine with tags. I don’t know if they keep boxes.

      I wasn’t able to remember all the prices (so don’t hold me to these) but this is what I remember.

      I only ask that those collectors who REALLY want and “need” these request store info. I’ve been seeing a lot of new releases going to Ebay immediately for extremely high prices and while not a crime, it limits first pic to those who really want to add these to their collection. Thanks for your understanding.

      All in glass case – smoke free shop (it does have incense).

      Emerald Siamese Cat Wizard $289
      Griffin Candle Lamp $87
      White Mother and Baby Pegasus (don’t remember – seemed to be release price range)
      Peacock Oriental Dragon (rainbow version) $139 – Very nice in person. I saw a smudge on the crystal ball but looks mint otherwise. (I have no money for this! πŸ˜₯ )
      White Male Dragon and White Young Dragon (couldn’t see the price)
      Rainbow Young Dragon
      Dragon Bookends (not sure if these are retired – didn’t see price)
      Gargoyle Dragon (large)
      Castle of the Merry Ghost
      Peacock Mouse Wizard

      They had a few others that I can’t remember now. The store knows that several of these pieces are retired so be aware. I’m also not sure if this store will ship.

      Good Luck!



        PM’d ya πŸ˜€


          Me too πŸ™‚


            PM’d Ya.. πŸ™‚


              btw… they will ship! 8)

              Now I just have to wait. πŸ˜€


                Thanks for doing this, SilverArrow! πŸ™‚

                Can’t help wondering what these places think when they suddenly get bombarded with buyers out of the blue. πŸ˜†


                  PM’d you.


                  PM sent.


                  PM sent!


                    As of Tuesday (4/5) morning (7:45am Pacific time) I had responded to all inquiries. If I didn’t send you requested info, please PM me again.

                    Good luck to all in your searches!


                      Adaneth wrote:

                      Thanks for doing this, SilverArrow! πŸ™‚

                      Can’t help wondering what these places think when they suddenly get bombarded with buyers out of the blue. πŸ˜†

                      They think, “Woohoo! Money money money!!”


                      Hot diggity damn!!! First, this store is not closing, so there are lots of pieces still available including a lot of retired pieces. Lots of emeralds, whites, peacock, fairies, mermaids, there’s a griffin and some pegasus (pegasi?) and unicorns among others. Second, I have FINALLY found a small emerald wizard that I have been looking for for well over a year and they HAD ONE!!!! They will ship, too!!!! Yabbadabbadoo!!!! I’m so excited!!! (you think?) πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† :yes: Now I finally have the complete collection of all the people wizards (not the animal wizards, they don’t do much for me) but all the rest including the woodlore wizard. This is so incredible!!! Thank you so much!!! :yes: :yes:


                        My check still has not cleared. I called today, and they are looking for it. πŸ™

                        I’m waiting on a return call, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed as I really want this piece! πŸ™„


                          I am not happy! 😑 I sincerely hope everyone else had better luck getting their pieces.

                          I received no return call (of course) so I decided to call back. I got the same salesperson, and when I inquired about the check, I was given the typical run around, “I don’t know…” They couldn’t even tell me if they still had the piece reserved for me. Again, no help. It just seemed like they wanted to get me off the phone. I asked if there was someone else I could talk to. They said I could talk to the owner but she’s not in until Friday. Now I have to wait… some more. πŸ™„

                          If they sold the piece for more money to someone else, that’s fine. I wouldn’t be upset about it. Not at all, that’s just business. But this run around is really starting to irritate me. It’s not good business.

                          I’m seriously tempted to just cancel the check and bite the cancellation fee. If anyone has a peacock oriental they are willing to part with, let me know. This was one of those pieces I wanted while I was in college and could never get. My collection just won’t be right without one. πŸ™

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