Found some cheap McFarlane Dragons /happydance

Home Forums Miscellany Community Found some cheap McFarlane Dragons /happydance

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  • #681735

    Congrats, purpledoggy. Those dragons are neat. If the wing area was bigger, they’d almost be anatomically correct. 😆 I like the colorations, though.


    I love the Series 1 dragons: they’re really creative in their designs and beautifully painted. Series 2 was great too. But I’ve noticed a tendency in the later series for some of the designs to look like what we call “Man in Suit”: upright body posture and shoulders arranged laterally with a collarbone rather than vertically like a quadruped. I don’t like that very much, and I haven’t collected as many of the later series. Also, the earlier dragons were all very graceful, but the later series have some downright nasty-looking characters! 😆 It’s been a wonderful production overall; I just wish they’d been able to hold onto the spirit of the first two sets a little better.


      You collect mcfarland dragons? I think I have 3 that need a new home if you are interested. I can’t remember what series they are.

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        OH which ones are they? I’m trying to get the ones I’ve missed.


          Odly enough I do know where they are and where my camera is…so here you go:

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            I dont have those. How much do you want for them?

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