Formal Introduction of a New Member, Please everyone read!

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    Formal Introduction: New Member, Please everyone read!

    Hi my name is Taneea, I know you have seen some of my auctions, especially the last one which turned out to be A VERY BIG MISTAKE I had called it the mini keeper. I HONESTLY didnt know I was causing any harm. I have been collecting Melodys dragons since I was a kid and am now 30 years old, and STILL have all her dragons and other sculptures from my childhood. They mean so much to me. When I had gotten a few emails from a couple of the forum members letting me know I should look at the forum and that there might be a problem with my auction. I had NO clue that there was a forum, and that I was violating anything (HONESTLY). I always had called in my orders therefor never really browsed the site. I know now I SHOULD HAVE. I had gotten ONE special email, and retracted that auction AS SOON AS I COULD HAVE! After reading it, I had felt like I had betrayed a special friend!! I had been up all night crying (don’t know why I am saying this), not because of the retraction, but because of the sooo many people I HAD HURT in the process. I had also changed my name on Ebay to WindstoneEditionsCreations because I just wanted to find the perfect name for what I was doing, which was trying to paint and create some beautiful PYO’S (As Ebay states: Choose a screen name that best fits what you are selling or doing), I was never trying to impersonate Melody OR Windstone in any way shape or form. So now my name has been changed to DragonsLairTreasures as per requested (The name change). I just wanted to ask all of you to please forgive me….ESPECIALLY John and Melody! And if you would all accept me into forum accepting my deepest, sincerest apologies and accepting me as one of you, and to be part of the Windstone family here on the forum. I want to thank John, Melody (ESPECIALLY for all her wonderful creations over the many years and the PYO’s), DragonFeathers, Arlla, and Watergazer for all your help in showing me the way. I hope to get to know all of you better, and entrust that I am not out to harm or hurt anyone.
    Thank You all for reading, and would love to hear from you all! 🙂
    P.S. YES!! The troublemaker (Thats his new name LOL) is still in my possession and thats where my little trouble maker will always stay I assure you, he sits atop my computer desk above me watching my every move LOL.
    Thank you all for reading this. Sincerely, Taneea AKA now DragonsCavern on the Forum.



      Let me be the first to wlecome you to our strange little cult!


      aka Nirvanacat13


      Yes, yes- be prepared to spend even MORE money- welcome to our humble daily dwelling place! If only they sold beverages we could be a pub everyone meets at everyday.


      OH YES! I am spending ALOT of money ROFL! Not just on Melodys fine creations, but on paints and such! ARGH!!! 😉 Hey, I could tend the bar! LOL! I tended bar for eight years before deciding to go to Peterbilt to be a service writer! 🙄


        Oh I like her, she can paint and tend bar! She’s a winner in my book! 😉


        OH YES! I make the BEST Long Islands and Long Beaches you’d ever taste my friend! 😉


        Okay, so now what we need you to do to fully ingratiate yourself to us is go to the Flea Market topic and put in your commission prices, paints, payment plans, etc and we understand you know not to recreate production pieces 😳 So, let us partake of your paint skills and do commissions :p


        OH! How in the World did you get that “QUOTE” on your responses Cat? I wanna do something like that LMAO 😆


        Welcome! You do beautiful work! I look forward to seeing more of your PYOs. 😀


        CherylKaufman wrote:

        Okay, so now what we need you to do to fully ingratiate yourself to us is go to the Flea Market topic and put in your commission prices, paints, payment plans, etc and we understand you know not to recreate production pieces 😳 So, let us partake of your paint skills and do commissions :p

        Right on, let me find out where thats located on here and I would be happy to take commisions! 🙂


          Welcome 🙂


            Welcome! What a bummer… I was bidding on your dragon. It truly is lovely and I hope to see more. No hard feelings from us!


            skigod377 wrote:

            Welcome! What a bummer… I was bidding on your dragon. It truly is lovely and I hope to see more. No hard feelings from us!

            Thank you SkiGod, I saw that, thank you and EVERYONE for your support! I do have a dragon up for auction right now youd love Ski….check her out…shes called Midnight Star. Ohhh…FREE S&H TOO LOL! 😉


              I’m really glad you finally made it here! ^_^ This crew is a very welcoming bunch, once you’re in their midst, so you’re in good hands now! This is pretty much the best community ever!

              P.S. Nirvana’s “quote” is her signature, which can be changed if you go into your Profile…That’s how we have our little siggie pics, too!

              P.P.S. Mmmmm, I loves me a long island iced tea….something with that much strong stuff in it should NOT taste that good!

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien

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