for trade: Star Fairy Animal Friends, 80s toy made by Tonka

Home Forums Miscellany Non-Windstone Flea Market for trade: Star Fairy Animal Friends, 80s toy made by Tonka

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    Just a shot in the dark, anyone ever collect these things? Apparently they can be pretty rare, and I’ve had the cat, Dipper, sitting on my desk getting covered by dust and buried in books and papers forever. Made by Tonka toys, there was also a swan and a rabbit in the series. It’s soft plastic with felt or felt-like flocking, but my cat has some bald spots in its felt “fur”. If anyone actually knows what these things are and is interested, I would love to trade or sell this little kitty, or if anyone knows a collector, I’d love the contact information. Will post a pic in a bit just for the curious.

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