For trade or sale – Emerald Young Oriental

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        I have a mint-with-tag and box Emerald Young Oriental, I’d like to trade him for another color–Ruby, Light Peacock, or Jade. The box was shipped so it’s not mint, it has some stickers and writing on it. I pulled most of the stickers off. The dragon’s perfect though!

        I’ll consider trading him for a non-mint one or trade + cash, mostly I’d like to have all the colors. I’ll also consider selling him, but I’d prefer to trade. PM me and let’s see what we can do. πŸ™‚


          Pics added 10/21 8)


            Sorry chris, wish i could help but i only have one in amethyst (who happens to be a bit lonesome…) So i’m also looking for another youngun’ to adopt πŸ˜€

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



              Ok, I’m seriously retarded….I kept wondering why people were calling you Chris….I was like who the hell is Chris? I seriously have been seeing your name as Cherished Elf since you’ve joined…. πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ 😈 😈


              Nice to meet you Chris LoL though you’ll always be Cherished Elf in my distorted brain. πŸ˜†


              Don’t feel bad, Cat. I read “Cherished Herself” for the longest time…
              Sorry, Chris. 😳


                I read it as “cherisherself” for the longest time. lol We’re quite a crew. πŸ˜‰


                  Holy Crap… I have been, too. πŸ˜€ I read good…


                  ROFL! Until now, I have also been calling her Cherish herself…They say the mind can read words even if they are misspelled as long as all the letters are there! I just thought it was a shortened up version or a texting thing…Which I can do, I am just not as fast as the kids these days! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
                  I am sorry Chris! 😳
                  Wish he was a ruby Oriental Young…I already have this guy. πŸ˜•


                    πŸ˜† What a crackup!

                    Dang, now I have to add the Copper Patina Young Oriental to my want list.


                    I have to add both the Young and the regular Orientals in the Copper Patina…Don’t feel bad. (I was pleasantly surprised to grab a Curlie in the Patina though! πŸ˜€ )

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