For those of you with photoshop

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        I want to take a pic of an unpainted pyo griffon and mess with the colors in photoshop (digitally paint him). Is there anywhere I can find a tutorial on how to do this or does anyone have any tips? I’m a photoshop flunkie so I’m not sure and I can’t seem to find anything on the web. Thanks.


          Okay this is really really old, but…

          When I do mock-ups in photoshop, I use this basic method. Instead of a sketch I use the photo of an unpainted PYO.

          This is really old and with a really old version of photoshop, but maybe it’ll help! Just replace the ‘sketch’ in the tutorial with the PYO photo.

          If you have any questions lemme know!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          What version of photoshop do you have? If you’re going to be painting on top of a photograph, I suggest just using the paintbrush tool with a lowered opacity to start. (There’s a quick menu for opacity at the top of the workspace when using the paintbrush.) Editing the contrast by going through [Image], Adjustments >, Brightness/Contrast might also make the details a bit easier to see, depending on what your photo looks like.

          Good has an excellent selection of everything, but for just painting things I’d suggest taking a look at the portfolios of Natascha R. and Meerkat Creations– I don’t know how deep you want to get into digital painting, but those two both do fantastic work and have very good tutorials and tips on their sites.

          But I guess when you get right down to it, if you’re just trying for a sense of what the colors will look like where, getting in there with a paintbrush will work great.


            Cool thanks. I have an older version of photoshop (5.0). I want to mess around with a photo of a pyo griffon before I start to paint my next one. I have an idea in my head and I’d rather mess it up on the computer then the actual griffon.


              When I was playing around doing a digital mock up of my PYO wolf I used the layer function and painted on a different (transparent) layer than the actual photo. That way if I goofed up I could always go back to the very beginning photo. I think I also turned the opacity of my layer down some so I could see the details of the PYO through the colors.

              Wish I could remember if 5.0 lets you do that. I haven’t used that version in a while.


                Does anyone have a large picture of an unpainted pyo griffon? The only one I have is very small.


                  The best I have is 315 x 400 pixels wide, so it’s kinda small. It may have even been a photo used in PYO auction.


                    Yeah thats the one I have. I was trying to find something larger to mess with.


                      I just enlarge the photo on the PYO page, and sharpen it and then just start the coloring.


                      sorry i dont normally do that i just paint,but since my swap person wanted something specific,i just saved the pic off the windstone pyo page than printed it out a little larger than used colored pencils to color it in 🙂

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