For the Everuqest players out there

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        My guild on the Everfrost server (The Fallen Legion) hit level 80 last night so I got myself a nightmare warg mount. So since its 4am and I’m trying to stay awake I’ll post some pics of my mount lol….

        and yes my character is a giant rat with a dead bear on her head. Ratonga wardens for the WIN!


          That’s pretty cool lookin’. Same for your rat warrior. I’ve always liked how those types of characters look… I just can’t get into Evercrack or WarCrack… I have no life as it is! I think my husband would divorce me… pretty sure….


          Very cool! Is your character a Drakkin or is she a in a shroud? I haven’t played EQ in ages.


            Ohhh sweet looking mount! I’ve never played EQ but my husband did for years before he met me. I’ve played FFXII, and my hubby and I currently play Warcrack together with sibling-in-laws and RL friends.

            They’re like crack, but for people like my hubby and I who aren’t all that social (and a long way from my friends since moving) it’s a nice way to interact with people. Especially since I now work from home where as I previously worked in an office (and enjoyed it). It really fills a gap.


              I don’t play any of those games, but that sure is cool looking!

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