
for the dragon lovers if there are any

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    ok so it isnt good video, but I was attacked my this guy, 😯 , no seroiusly if any of you have a chance to go to west edmonton mall, this guy hangs in the theater there. And for snap and others who have seen him, well excuse the video it sucks, it was taken with my phone though.



      I heard a dirty word…..


      πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


      opps I was hopeing no one would listen, LOL, ok ya well that was me talking hehe.


        That was cute!!


          That’s neat. Was it put up to jump on the Eragon bandwagon, or is it there all the time?


            that is totally KEWL I wish we had a mall here with something like that


            That is cool. It reminds me of something in Las Vegas.


              I’m sure I would have thought the same thing. I was in Vegas in July right after my birthday


                Haha, awesome! Man that mall looks cool O.O

                In the Stratosphere in Las Vegas there is a shop with this awesome dragon sign, and my friends brought me to see it. Guess what the store was called? “Danielle”. I was like ZOMG give me that sign!!! I took a bunch of pictures of it intending to use it as my LJ icon since it has my name XD


                Post a pic! I’d like to see it!


                  The fire is working again! Woop!

                  For the longest time it wasn’t breathing and that sucked. Stand on the stairs going up to the IMAX theatre and you’ll get a pretty hot burn on your face πŸ˜†


                  dude…what kind of mall is that! the scariest thing in mine is a Gap.


                  They have him in the Silver City Theater there, he has been there for a few years, I cant remember exactly how long, but 5 years at least. He is very cool to go see, and yes like Snap said if you stand on the iMax level it gets very warm, my MIL was concerned with her hair when she went up there.


                    mimitrek wrote:

                    Post a pic! I’d like to see it!

                    Assuming you were referring to my post… πŸ˜€

                    Here it is!

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