lol. I’m trying to get mmloda to sell me her broken dragon and not go through the post office >.< want...need...even if he's broken! I pester her :) but she won't sell him to me, she wants him fixed as much as I do. But he has some beautiful violet on him <3
Awww. DID she lose a Emp in old green to the USPS? Or brown? People have got to learn the PO drop kicks everything to and from the truck!!! BT’s did an ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT job of boxing and packing mine up…He got here whole and I love him! *Hugs big Green Emperor*
(The thing I love most is that he isn’t that ugly snot green color…He’s a nice shade of lighter green without yellow.)
OMG!!! I am sorry…Darnit! I mised that thread…That just aobut makes me wanna cry…When the PO gave me a bunch of grief over the valuse of the Guardian dragon, I said “Pffft…Forget it, I’ll fix him.” Just whatever you do…Don’t let him go in the garbage!!! 😯