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  • #676543

    I hope all works out for you but if you cant get your camera to play nice with puter to pust pix here, how are you going to get pix up on ebay? I know lots wont buy or bid if they cant see exactly what theyre bidding on.

    Food for thought.


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I hope all works out for you but if you cant get your camera to play nice with puter to pust pix here, how are you going to get pix up on ebay? I know lots wont buy or bid if they cant see exactly what theyre bidding on.

    Food for thought.

    Yeah I know πŸ™ I’ll have to see if I can get my friend or my mom to come take pictures and put them on their computers or something.


    Bump πŸ™‚ added some stuff and some stuff sold


      I don’t see anything new on your first post. Did you add it yet?


      Yes I added an OW and I added sold to the pieces that were sold. probably should just take out the whole section of the sold ones that would make more sense lol


        Oops! 😳 Didn’t see the OW. Sorry about that.


        That’s ok πŸ™‚ I also just added a peacock mother and 2 young peacocks πŸ™‚


        Just a question: is your peacock OW the darker or the newer more vibrant color? Thanks!

        Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


        Hi! I would say he’s brighter. Compared to one of my mother dragons anyhow he seems brighter


        Took out the stuff I sold and added a couple pieces πŸ™‚


          PM’ed you πŸ™‚


          tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

          Took out the stuff I sold and added a couple pieces πŸ™‚

          Umm….do you still have the Peacock Fledge? ( I missed that in the frenzy to get my hands on the OW… 😳 )


          Hi! Yep I sure do πŸ™‚ I have a couple offers on her so I was waiting for a week or so to see what the best offer is unless I get a good one where I know it won’t go any higher anyway πŸ™‚

          BTW folks the OW has a new home!!!


            Do you think you might be able to post some pics of the pieces you currently have for sale… ❓ πŸ˜€



            Hi! Is there a certain one you’re interested in pics of? I don’t own a camera right now but I can try to borrow one again. I also have two curls listed to e-bay with like 5 hours left

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