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  • #676528

    Nope, I already have a peacock moM 🙂


    No one needs a coiled male? 🙁


      I already have a Peacock one. Good luck, though. 😀


        I’d love one, but have nothing I’d be willing to part with. Good luck!


        Thanks guys 🙂 Maybe I’ll just have Jennifer move him to the flea market and then I can use the money for him towards my OW


        Edited this post… still no offers on the peacock coiled male and I added an emerald hatching emperor.


        Added an emerald oriental


          Any chance on pics? I might be interested in the hatching emperor.

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          Hi! Sorry- I can’t get my camera and my computer to play nice together. But he is in mint condition.


          I’d like to see pictures of the oriental 😀 If you can get your two to cooperate


          Hi! Sorry, I can’t get the camera to work right. But she is mint also. Also, feel free to check my e-bay feedback and I can offer references to anyone that needs them.


          Ok… last chance before e-bay 😯 I hate using e-bay so I’m hoping to sell some here. Feel free to make an offer especially if you’re interested in more than one. I added to the list also.


          Added and changed


          Reduced some prices 🙂


          Bump- Added a piece and reduced a couple prices

        Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 47 total)
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