Flight Rising

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      Anyone else play on Flight Rising? It’s a Dragon adoptable/collecting and breeding site for those who aren’t familiar. I made an account 2 years ago on a whim and have just now started messing around on there after having forgotten about for a while lol, and I’m enjoying it! I want to create super cute and awesome dragons, and am really enjoying seeing all the combos of genes and skins/customization that you can do, it’s giving me great inspiration for painting too!

      This is my only dragon so far, his name is Autumn, he’s a Fae breed of dragon. He’s adorable, right?!


      *Formerly meowmix101
      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


        OMG!!! So freaking cute!!! I’ve never heard of it but am so intrigued and will definitely be checking it out now!! Thanks for sharing!


        Super-Adorable Landipan !!
        Would be sooooooo pretty painted on a Windstone PYO !!


          Thanks all! I’ve bred him to another Fae dragon now, I have two eggs, I’ll report back if any of them look really nice!

          I’m also working on how to gain gems in the game without spending actual real money lol. Gems apparently are where it’s at if you want to create really gorgeous dragons!

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.

          whisker hunter west

            Eee hee hee, Flight Rising, you say? =D
            How to earn gems:
            (1) Keep your dragons fed, each day = +1 gem, +200 treasure
            (2) Acquire chests. Gold chests will give you up to 10 gems, iron chests usually give you a few, and the various battle chests (earned in the coliseum) sometimes drop gems too.
            (3) If you have stuff you want to sell on the Auction House, you can list it for Gems only
            (4) Make rich friends and con them into joining FR and pointing to you as their referral. When they buy gems, you’ll get a small bonus.

            If you’re looking for Gem genes, you can also try the Auction House and see if anyone is selling for Treasure.

            FYI, for anyone looking it up – Flight Rising is a free-to-play browser game. They had a bit of a rough start the first couple years with laggy servers that couldn’t keep up with the number of players, but things have really smoothed out in the last couple years and they now have full-open registration. Their main revenue, used to pay their staff and rent their server, is from hosting ads in the sidebars. They also sell Gems for real-world $, which you can use to buy certain exclusive things that are generally meant to be The Shiniest, because they try to make it worth real-world $. Most everything else is bought with Treasure, which is earned by playing games, interacting with Familiars, y’know, just goofing around on the site. The final currency is the Elemental Festival currency, which drops only during the Festivals and is usable only to buy the Festival gear.

            When you sign up, you can design your “Progenitor” dragon – choose their main body color, their main wing color, make them 1 of 4 common breeds, and choose their element, which drives eye color and available battle skills. When you finalize your account / found your lair, you are assigned a random 2nd progenitor dragon – and yes, it can be really, REALLY random! To grow your clan, you can breed your progenitors, go shopping for dragons in the auction house, or hope luck hands you eggs, which are rare drops from a couple activities. In addition to breeding, you can assign familiars to your dragons, deck them out in apparel or “skins” (kinda like super-fancy tattoos), and battle monsters with them in the Coliseum. Oh, yeah, and load them up with Genes that will give them patterns, bring out accent colors, and otherwise make them unique. There are also activities you can do without your dragons, like the puzzle games in the Fairgrounds. And there’s forums there, too.

            There’s a whole set of Lore behind the FR world and dragons, but it’s the sort of game where you can play by the lore or just go off and do your own thing, it’s open-ended enough where everybody gets to choose their own path. And if you like playing with colors and patterns but don’t have the best art skills – you will spend hours in the Scrying Workshop playing with different breed / color / gene mixes. I know I certainly have!

            Continuing the family tradition of being obsessed with shiny things.

            whisker hunter west

              And here’s Copperbright – my Wind element Fey dragon, with a full set of genes, Skin, and apparel.
              Flight Rising: Copperbright

              Continuing the family tradition of being obsessed with shiny things.


                Awesome tips Whisker, thank you so much!! I’ve been doing my reading on all the lore for the dragons, they’ve really gone all out on detailing their world, I love it! I’ve also been playing the mini games and working on learning how to battle with my dragons in the coliseum, but since I only have two right now I think I’d do better to wait until I have a solid three.

                Your dragon is awesome, I LOVE that it has a Corgi. I can tell you’ve probably put a lot of time in him!

                *Formerly meowmix101
                Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                  Hm, I’ve tried posting pics of my newly acquired dragons(not from my eggs) but it won’t post for some reason! Strange!

                  If you want to see the new ones, check out my Lair! https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/356161/346746/1

                  *Formerly meowmix101
                  Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                    Chaton is freaking ADORABLE!!!!


                      I know! He’s so gorgeous, I’ve already looked up what he’ll look like as an adult and he’s going to be just beautiful!

                      *gonna try again to post a pic, lets see if this works!*


                      *Formerly meowmix101
                      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                        Ah ha! It worked seems like it doesn’t like it when I try to post two img links in one post

                        This is my other new baby Cyclamen, she’s a gorgeous Skydancer dragon. I’ve looked up what her and Chaton’s future babies might look like and the possibilities are GORGEOUS!

                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.

                        whisker hunter west

                          Very nice, Landipan! Skydancers are probably my favorite of the breeds, but Coatls have the cutest faces.

                          I don’t spend much time in the Coliseum, I like the puzzle games for more general relaxing, but my main strategies are “over-level at least one dragon to act as a guardian, and make up teams of all-different element dragons”. I think the second one is a “standard” recommendation, but the first is just me squeaking in dismay whenever one of my precious babies takes a CRIT hit. There are some good guides in the forums -> “Guides” section on setting up teams and strategies for making the most of the Coliseum. Try the pinned post “[New] Masterpost of Guides, Tools & Etc.” -> 5. “Dominance, Flight/Event Festivals & Coliseum” for starters, if you’re still looking for tips.

                          Oh, and don’t forget to hit Pinkerton’s Pile every day for your freebie! It’s usually so random, but over time I’ve gotten a bunch of battle stones and useful stuff from him.

                          Continuing the family tradition of being obsessed with shiny things.


                            Very nice, Landipan! Skydancers are probably my favorite of the breeds, but Coatls have the cutest faces.

                            I don’t spend much time in the Coliseum, I like the puzzle games for more general relaxing, but my main strategies are “over-level at least one dragon to act as a guardian, and make up teams of all-different element dragons”. I think the second one is a “standard” recommendation, but the first is just me squeaking in dismay whenever one of my precious babies takes a CRIT hit. There are some good guides in the forums -> “Guides” section on setting up teams and strategies for making the most of the Coliseum. Try the pinned post “[New] Masterpost of Guides, Tools & Etc.” -> 5. “Dominance, Flight/Event Festivals & Coliseum” for starters, if you’re still looking for tips.

                            Oh, and don’t forget to hit Pinkerton’s Pile every day for your freebie! It’s usually so random, but over time I’ve gotten a bunch of battle stones and useful stuff from him.

                            I really like the Coatls, they’re probably my favorite design, they look cuddly and elegant. I thought when I first joined that getting a Coatl would be hard, since they’re considered rare, but I guess everyone breeds them so much there’s a surplus of baby Coatls ripe for the plucking lol.

                            The Skydancers are another that are right up there is a favorite, so elegant and regal looking!

                            *Formerly meowmix101
                            Not currently open for PYO commissions.

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