fledgie sculpt

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      foxfeather wrote:

      I’d like to see a fledgie crouched down in front with his butt in the air, just like kittens or puppies ready to pounce! πŸ˜€

      Fledgie butt!!! YEAH almost as bad as insect porn!! πŸ˜†


      Ok, I have a thought…since dogs can’t be made as a sculpt…Why not have the tail of the crouching Fledge curl up like a pug’s tail? πŸ˜€


        Yay!!! Pugs!!!! πŸ˜€


          Ew! 😯 πŸ˜†


            purplecat wrote:

            Ew! 😯 πŸ˜†

            I’m with you! I have a strong dislike for pugs. πŸ˜†

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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              πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                awwwww….I love my pugs!!! πŸ™‚


                Yeah, when they find the walls that jumped out infront of my mother’s Pekingese I’ll know what happened to his face. πŸ˜› But, I can’t say I like the Pug’s curly tail for a fledgie. 😯 Maybe a bit more like the crouching griffin chick’s tail? πŸ˜•

                (Not to mention, they snort more than my Step Mom does when she laughs! But, sometimes it makes something all the more funny when she does it!)


                I love pugs but, I can’t see a dragon with a curlie tail like that. That’s weird…. πŸ˜†


                  πŸ˜† I can’t really see a pug tail on a fledge either, but it does look cute on a pug. πŸ˜† And pugs snore a lot!!! 😯


                  My mom’s Peke did nothing but snort and blow snot all over. He was cool, but I just don’t miss the snot. πŸ˜†


                    WindstoneCollector wrote:

                    My mom’s Peke did nothing but snort and blow snot all over. He was cool, but I just don’t miss the snot. πŸ˜†

                    Yeah, my Pugs don’t do that, thank goodness!!! πŸ™‚


                    Pekes are basically pugs with hair. πŸ˜† Sorry, I just had to….


                      It’s true….I saw a Peke that had been shaved at PetSmart one time and it was amazing how much it looked like a Pug!!! πŸ™‚


                      Don’t I know it! That dog and I never got along very well. It was totally spoiled rotten. My mother gave him 3 names…Sedgewick Mogwai Manchu…Everyone just called him Moggie for short. He wasn’t a bad looking dog, just a pain in the butt. πŸ˜›
                      Now, I have a cat that drools instead. But atleast he doesn’t do it in my face! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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