Flap Cat History

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    Hi all,
    I was wondering if you could help me out with my ‘Little Flap Cat History’ lol! I really wanted to find out about them! I know originally there was the pair of cream cats with the purple wings and the black pair, were these normal production? What are the cream ones for sale in the store now? Are they limited or the same as the older black and cream ones with the purple.
    I have also seen lots of different flap cats in peoples collectons like white ones with gray splodges etc etc. Were these auction pieces or limited production?
    Soooo many questions!!


      The little cream cats with purple wings are the Siamese Cats. They are different than the Birmese Cats in the store. I think they did come out about the same time the Black and White ones did, but I’m not positive about that.


        The small Siamese and Black Flap Cats were normal production pieces available in stores. They came out in 1988/89 and retired in 2001/02.

        The Birmans flap cats currently in the Windstone store have white points and little color on their wings. It helps to keep from confusing them with the older, retired Siamese. I’m not sure if these are limited production or available from retailors or not.

        There were also several Limited Editions that Windstone sold on ebay: White Bird Winged Flap Cat, Spotted Bat Winged Flap Cat, Small Grey Tabby Flap Cat, Spotted Bird Winged Flap Cat and Special Birman Bird & Bat Winged Flap Cat.


        Thanks! 😀

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