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  • #488744


    Hi Melody,

    random question. do you have pet fish?

    it looks like some of your work has been partly betta or goldfish inspired.


      gruffin wrote:

      Hi Melody,

      random question. do you have pet fish?

      it looks like some of your work has been partly betta or goldfish inspired. I used to have all kinds of fish when I was a teenager. I had thirty aquairiums in my room! So I do have fish in my head.
      Right now we are the proud owners of one carnival goldfish named Foil Face, and about a zillion guppys.
      ..And Vantid’s Betta lives on the kitchen table.


        THIRTY FISHTANKS???? 😯 😯 You musta been rich.
        How big were these tanks? I can’t immagine any room holding thirty! And the cost of filters… The cost of medicines.. And all that time cleaning… Fish are messy pets! I have two tanks, a 20 gal and a 50 gal. They give me several hours of work each week. I collect native Missouri fish. It’s fun, but they have to stay out in the shed. They get water everywhere, and the filters and glass need cleaning A LOT. Every time we have a power outage, I have to stay up all night and day replacing the water about every three hours to keep my babies alive. Dumb things get sick from everything too so I have to bust my account trying to afford meds. Thirty fishtanks.. That’s got to be a misspelling!


        I have knowen people with more, way more, I knew one guy with over 150 at one point, ranging in size from 5 gal to 150 gal. He had everything one could imagine. He had killie fish that he had to spawn himself just to keep haveing them becaus eof their short life spans. He had a pair of iscars he spawned. Heck his wife left him over them, there was more I imagine as well. Then one day he saw Orchids and decided he liked them so he just stopped taking care of the fish, they all died sad horrible deaths, then I stopped talking to him, the a$$.


        What a creepy guy. When I was a kid I had to have has 7-10 fish tanks just in my bedroom because I was breeding bettas and had community fish. I find my one 37 gallon aquarium is rather low maintenance. Just need to change filters and water and we’re good. My tank is beautiful- complete with real plants but nothing like Nams. I ENVY her aquarium! Hey Nam, want to ship me some plants???


          ruffian wrote:

          Then one day he saw Orchids and decided he liked them so he just stopped taking care of the fish, they all died sad horrible deaths.

          What crap. I hope he catches an itchy rash and it never heals.


          skigod377 wrote:

          ruffian wrote:

          Then one day he saw Orchids and decided he liked them so he just stopped taking care of the fish, they all died sad horrible deaths.

          What crap. I hope he catches an itchy rash and it never heals.

          Woe be the one who you deign Karma too.


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            ruffian wrote:

            Then one day he saw Orchids and decided he liked them so he just stopped taking care of the fish, they all died sad horrible deaths.

            What crap. I hope he catches an itchy rash and it never heals.

            Woe be the one who you deign Karma too.

            Its like she’s trying to speak to me!

            ~Finding Nemo


              CherylKaufman wrote:

              What a creepy guy. When I was a kid I had to have has 7-10 fish tanks just in my bedroom because I was breeding bettas and had community fish. I find my one 37 gallon aquarium is rather low maintenance. Just need to change filters and water and we’re good. My tank is beautiful- complete with real plants but nothing like Nams. I ENVY her aquarium! Hey Nam, want to ship me some plants???

              Hey, once I get my tank up to speed with plants (growing them takes time, and I have to populate a little 6gallon nano as a Christmas gift) and I start to have to trim them up I wouldn’t mind! What kinds of plants do you keep?

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


              Nambroth wrote:

              CherylKaufman wrote:

              What a creepy guy. When I was a kid I had to have has 7-10 fish tanks just in my bedroom because I was breeding bettas and had community fish. I find my one 37 gallon aquarium is rather low maintenance. Just need to change filters and water and we’re good. My tank is beautiful- complete with real plants but nothing like Nams. I ENVY her aquarium! Hey Nam, want to ship me some plants???

              Hey, once I get my tank up to speed with plants (growing them takes time, and I have to populate a little 6gallon nano as a Christmas gift) and I start to have to trim them up I wouldn’t mind! What kinds of plants do you keep?

              pffft- the kind you find in, sadly, Petsmart. Mostly the Arrowleaf ones…I had one of those spawn a new plant and some other one that’s broader leaf arrow looking but very pretty- also spawned a new being because a leaf broke off at the juncture where it wwould still grow roots. I’d have to take pictures. But I WOULD love to get some semi-foreign plants in my tank that I can’t find in the local pet stores.


                CherylKaufman wrote:

                pffft- the kind you find in, sadly, Petsmart. Mostly the Arrowleaf ones…I had one of those spawn a new plant and some other one that’s broader leaf arrow looking but very pretty- also spawned a new being because a leaf broke off at the juncture where it wwould still grow roots. I’d have to take pictures. But I WOULD love to get some semi-foreign plants in my tank that I can’t find in the local pet stores.

                I have a hard time finding plants locally as well. IT sounds like they’re selling you different sword species. I had a GREAT supplier for anything I wanted when I lived in Houston, but that is not the case where I live now. So sometimes I buy stuff on … it’s like eBay for fish geeks. Most of the people on there are very nice and last time I won some plants (with free shipping, woot!) the guy threw in extras for me. Just check people’s feedback as you would on eBay if you decide to use it.
                I’m slowly, slowly saving up for a CO2 system for my big tank (I’m telling you, keeping pets is why I can’t afford Windstones, 😆 ), after I get that set up I’m hoping my different hygrophylia species will take off, and I’ll need to trim them. I can send you trimmings if you ever want! They’re growing kinda slow right now, so maybe in a few months. 🙂

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                trimmings are wonderful and I can’t WAIT to see that website!

                **EDIT: Oooooh- you’re EVIL!! I can spend a fortune on that aquabid website…shipping itself is the cot of what I want but understandably these are live animals…ooooooh- evil evil nam!


                  Pam Thompson wrote:

                  THIRTY FISHTANKS???? 😯 😯 You musta been rich.
                  How big were these tanks? I can’t immagine any room holding thirty! And the cost of filters… The cost of medicines.. And all that time cleaning… Fish are messy pets! I have two tanks, a 20 gal and a 50 gal. They give me several hours of work each week. I collect native Missouri fish. It’s fun, but they have to stay out in the shed. They get water everywhere, and the filters and glass need cleaning A LOT. Every time we have a power outage, I have to stay up all night and day replacing the water about every three hours to keep my babies alive. Dumb things get sick from everything too so I have to bust my account trying to afford meds. Thirty fishtanks.. That’s got to be a misspelling!

                  No, not rich, or exaggerating.I was a kid! People often gave me their old fistanks. I trash-picked them and bought them at yardsales. I spent my allowance on silicone goop to repair them. I had a couple really big air pumps that ran the whole thing with yards of tubing and valves in my ten by twelve foot bedroom. I was a master at balancing airflow. We kept our house pretty warm, so most of the tanks didn’t need heaters.
                  Other kids my age thought about sex and drugs. I thought about guppies.
                  I would buy just one pair of fish, of a type I wanted, and breed them! I bred all the easy egglaying ones ; barbs, danios, cichlids, gouramis,panchax( related to killifish <3), bettas and of course, all the live bearers like platys.
                  I think that tropical fish aren’t as messy and demanding as wild fish, or I couldn’t of managed that much water!!
                  I had some large goldfish , they were a real mess.



                    Other kids my age thought about sex and drugs. I thought about guppies.


                    Ok, I guess guppies wouldn’t be too hard to care for… Mine aren’t fluffy little exotic fish (no offense I hope). I’ve got gar, carp, bluegill, a sauger, and a ton of random minnows. I used to have bass, but they died after their filter shut down and I didn’t know about it until too late. The gar are half a foot long (will be over a 4 feet long when full grown), the carp are about 4″ (though they can get in excess of 100 lbs). And I have a 6″ catfish. These fish are pigs. They dirty the water constantly. Definately not house fish. They don’t need heating though. They are easily able to sustain both winter and summer temps. Missouri natives are awesome. I could never settle for store bought. All mine are strait out of the wilds. The gar are my favorite. Streamline killers, but so gentle otherwise! The’ve never bitten me. Sorry, I could talk about my fishies forever. I love them and am so proud of my collection. Fish mean something entirely different to you when you’ve had to catch each one individualy and then in addition, slave away all year catching feeder minnows for them (for the predators anyway). Yeah… Love. It means standing up to your hips in ice water in the dead of winter with a sein net because your toothy fish babies are hungry! And then there are the darters.. No fish is more fun than these swim-bladderless little devils. They are relatively inteligent as far as fish go. Small, but they know they are the only true masters of the tank floor (“crawdads, move over!”). I’ve got one, a real beaut, that I took from Current river on a vacation with my b/f a year and a half ago. He survived the 100 degree un-air conditioned car and the clorinated icecubes that we threw into the bucket later to cool him down. He is now living happily in my 20 gal tank as sub-apha to the other male. They need some more females…
                    Whether any of my fish breed or not, is impossible to know. Children and eggs are gobbled up like candy.

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