First PYO in progress – sealer process advice?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone First PYO in progress – sealer process advice?

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      This is my first attempt at painting a Windstone. I have some touch-ups to do and still have to dry brush, but it’s mostly there! Can’t wait to get my next one. 🙂

      I was wondering about using a sealer though…is there a difference in quality or look between spray and paint-on finisher/sealer? I was wanting a matte look for the black and gloss for some of the green scales. Would it work to use a matte spray and then paint on a gloss finish on select parts? Any brand recommendations are much appreciated. I see Folkart, Krylon, and Golden have been mentioned before but not sure if they are better for specific things or can be mixed and matched.

      Thanks in advance, this is new to me!

      PNW, coffee drinker, budding artist


        Hi, Kelsey, your dragon is lovely!
        I think your idea of matte spray/ brush on gloss in spots would work well. I have used spray sealer on figures (non WIndstones), then brushed glossy clear nail polish on spots, and it has worked great.


          Ah thank you for the advice! Glad to hear it can work that method. I’ll give that a go. ^^

          PNW, coffee drinker, budding artist


            Finished! I got some Krylon spray to use, but later was shopping at Blick and found Liquitex varnishes with a variety of textures. So I got a matte and a high gloss and ended up painting on the varnish. It took a while, and I’ll probably just spray next time, but it was a learning experience! The strong light makes the matte look shinier than it is, but IRL the textures look really distinct.

            PNW, coffee drinker, budding artist


              Very nice job! The dragon looks great. 🙂


                I always use brush-on varnish. Spray varnish has a hard time getting into all those little nooks and crannies, and I can use different kinds of varnish on a single piece if I want.


                  Thanks for the compliment!

                  Okay, good to consider re. limitations of the spray varnish. Thanks for the advice.

                  PNW, coffee drinker, budding artist

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