First PYO and Terrified 😨

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone First PYO and Terrified 😨

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  • #1687822
    Tiffany Griffin

      I started my first PYO, a winged golden pheasant themed. I have the first layer of fur color on and am now terrified to continue and mess it up. I’ve been staring at it for a week. Am I the only chicken? Any tips for a newb? 😅



        Hi, looking good! I would advise applying a layer of spray on clearcoat- that will protect the paint you’ve already applied. You can continue painting over it, and if you don’t like it, wash off the new paint.

        Tiffany Griffin

          Thank you! I’m probably going to go over it again in the same colors as I found a few small spots that weren’t fully covered. I appreciate the tip!

          Fritochick (Mary)

            HI I recently started painting D&D miniatures for my friend. An artist friend gave me some GREAT ADVICE. Don’t be intimidated!!!! Its only paint!!. This bit of advice helped!!! GO FOR OT!!

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