First Fruits Practical Arts, my Mum's Website, CHECK IT OUT!

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    After much nagging and begging, my mom finally got her website up and running….

    It’s still UNDER CONSTRUCTION so not everything is up, but what is up works (for me at least).

    Although there is no selling icon on the page, you can contact her at the email at the bottom of the page, jshelly_6(at)yahoo(dot)ca if you wanted to inquire about buying anything. PLEASE don’t ask me about selling stuff, ask her!!!

    And she does do calendars of her little comic and her photos (regular and appointment). I totally recommend her appointment calendar, most useful thing you will ever own! I don’t know prices, so you have to ask her not me.

    If there’s bugs with the website, you can either reply here, or email her. PLEASE DON’T PM ME, or my inbox will EXPLODE!!!!!!!!

    (warning – there are some items of a non PG rating on this site. They are mostly if not all in the book section. They are described briefly under the icon in the section, so if you think it might offend, then don’t click on it!!!)

    First Fruits Practical Arts – CLICKY HERE!!!!

    (note this is a little bit of a pitch, but it’s not related to Windstone, and no sales can or will be made through the forum, as she is not a forum member, so I hope this is okay to post)


    All sorts of different kinds of artwork! Tell her the website looks good – nice and bright and cheerful.


    very cool

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