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      If your insurance covers house fires, you should take a camera and get photographic records of all the valuable things in your house, just in case.

      Is your vehicle secure in a garage? I’d be wary of leaving valuable things in your vehicle if the vehicle is not in a location such as a locked garage… I know two people this month alone that had their vehicles broken into sitting outside their homes, and have had valuable items stolen. It’s terrible. Especially if lowlifes are expecting people to put their valuables in their cars in an emergency… we all know that people take advantage of these situations. 🙁 Look at all the looters in natural disasters. It’s disgusting! 🙁

      My best to all. I had a wildfire in my yard that I fought earlier this year and that was scary enough.

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      I hope you don’t have to evacuate, Arlla. But it’s good that you’re prepared, jsut in case. Good luck.


        I hope the fires have died down. Def take pics, as Nam said.


          Please keep us posted and take the pics like Nam and Ski suggested. I need to do that too before next hurricane season. 😉


          Oh my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone thats going through this. I really hope they get them under control and you don’t have to leave.
          I would get your collection documented and insured.


            Oh, Arlla, I hope you’ll be ok! But yes, definitely take pictures and pack.

            I wish I could send you some of our humidity… drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. We don’t need it as much as California does!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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              Oh my…take care and if you feel the need to pack up the windstones then do so! Never hurts to be prepared, I hope the winds die down! 😯


                It sounds as though you are planning “just in case” which never hurts. Sending prayers for you and your family.

                And while we are thinking of our friends and family whose homes and businesses are threatened or have already been destroyed…Let us also remember the fire fighters in our thoughts and prayers.


                I really hope that things are OK in your area, Arlla. Fire is terrifying in SoCal, and by reports this is one of the strongest Santa Anas they’ve had in years. I’m glad that you’re making “just in case” plans for your things–better safe than sorry. But Nam is right: if the car’s not secure in a locked garage, then put your things as close as you can without leaving them available to looters. I hate those bastards. 👿 I really hope the fire is quickly extinguished in your area so that you don’t have to evacuate!

                My parents live in Poway, about four miles southwest of the bend in Espola Road. I am too afraid to call the house and see if the answering machine picks up this morning: I have to work today, and if I start thinking that the family house is gone, I’ll never be able to get through the day. My parents are down in Del Mar with the dogs and the horse; they got out just before the police started chasing people out of the neighborhood. But the fire crossed Espola yesterday afternoon, and got into dense neighborhoods. It’s too close. I’m really scared . . . which is selfish, because my parents and the critters are safe. But the family home means a lot to us all–kind of an anchor, you know? Tonight I’ll call my sisters (they’re in Colorado and Arizona) and we can commiserate about being too far away to help. 🙁

                Word is the Witch Fire was started by a transformer. Thank goodness it wasn’t some fool with a flare gun this time. 🙄


                  I hope everything is ok with your family home, Barrd. At least your family is safe…you can’t replace them.


                    For your sake and every Californian I hope the fire is brought under control and put out soon. I would pack the Windstones I consider most irreplacable and get them ready to go but my dog would definitely be the first in the car if I had evacuate. Good luck.

                    It always seems after any catastrophe whether it be fire, flood or hurricane one of the worst things you see on TV or read in the newspaper are about looters which is a shame on top of whatever else the unfortunate people involved have lost.


                      I hope your family home is safe barrdwing. My brothers family was also evacuated from Ramona and they spent the night in the Cosco parking lot in Poway because the freeway was closed.


                        Best of luck, Barrdwing!! 🙁 And heavens, I don’t think it’s selfish at all to want your family’s house to remain intact!! If we actually do get evacuated I’m going to be a wreck wondering weather or not our house is still there….

                        The wind seems to have died down a bit today…though it’s gusting as I type that…The fires that were worrying us yesterday have been contained, but there appear to be new ones today. We’re keeping a weather eye on the news!

                        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                        -J R R Tolkien


                          Hoping everyone stays safe!! Keep us up to date if you can 😕


                          dragonmedley wrote:

                          Oh, Arlla, I hope you’ll be ok! But yes, definitely take pictures and pack.

                          I wish I could send you some of our humidity… drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. We don’t need it as much as California does!
                          I second that… take my humidity, PLEASE! Some of you that have already talked about snow- Im so jealous of you!

                          And I dont get how FL, with its humidity levels, actually does have as bad of wild fires as we do. But of course, so many of those are either deliberately set or carelessly discarded ciggie butts. I never understood how we could be driving down an interstate full of smoke from a fire, and someone in the car in front of us just flicks their lit cig to the grass on the side of the road (in the case Im talking about, it ignited)! 🙄

                          Arlla, Im thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. I usually light a candle in most cases but I can even accept that irony. Please keep us posted as much as you can.

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