
Finished repair- Black Griffon-Updated pic

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    (sing to Cat’s in the Cradle)

    A griffon arrived just today, he came to me in the usual way, he was broken and then to my chagrin, I found he was broken in transit, he was busted in places that we never knew, but he will be whole soon, you know he’ll be whole again soon.

    And the scrapes will be handled and the pieces glued, soon you’ll never know he was blue. Then he’ll go home all pretty and new, and that will be that my friend, yeah, and that will be that my friend.

    So I’m silly, but the music just popped into my head as I typed out that first line, so after that I had to write it so it would fit the song. *laugh*

    Unfortunately his transport box had too much free space within, allowing him to move around. Which I suspect is why he is so banged up.

    Title says future repair, only because the original “injury” was just his ears, and now the owner and I will need to renegoiate our terms. So until I hear from her, he will just sit here all broken. 🙁 I don’t know how I can bear it. Poor griffon!




    Oh man, goes and hugs my whole back griffin.


    Man, I couldn’t look at that pic for too long. It makes me really sad.


      Ouch, ouch ouch! If you need any refrence pictures Aubrey will be happy to model for you!


        Eeek poor griffin that has seen the wars!

        Couldn’t help but laugh at the cat in the cradle singing bit tho!

        I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


        Aldana wrote:

        Eeek poor griffin that has seen the wars!

        Couldn’t help but laugh at the cat in the cradle singing bit tho!

        Yeah, the song just popped into my head. Anyway, fixing him is a go, so I will have WIP pics of him soon, since he is going to be a few stages due the extent and locations of the damage.



          I’m glad to see he’s going to be repaired. It’s hard to look at them when they are hurt like that. I know you’ll take good care of him. 😀


            Ohh Poor Black Griffin….I hope mine arrives in one piece 😕 .



            😆 Love the bottle (soap?) in the background labeled “band aid”…very appropriate.
            Poor griffy…Kyrin will make you all better. Eagerly awaiting WIP shots…


              Oh lord why can’t people learn how to pack and ship correctly???


                That is really sad. 😯


                Dragon Master wrote:

                Oh lord why can’t people learn how to pack and ship correctly???

                After talking to the owner, who lives in Canada, we suspect that customs opened him up, then did not repack him with the same care she had. In fact a good portion of the packing peanuts that were in there according to her, were not present when I got him. Also the bubble wrap was no longer in two thick layers around him either.

                Our plan is to repack him in two boxes with a photo of what is in box number two, along with a pic of how he arrived here and a request that if they still feel they need to open the second box, to please make sure he is repacked as carefully as we had him. so he makes it to his destination whole.

                We’ll see. I am hoping the pictures and the request will influence them to leave him alone.



                Looks like customs took him out back and beat him with a stick, love the song Kyrin, we know he’s in good hands, when Dr. Kyrin is in the house.


                boskydragon wrote:

                😆 Love the bottle (soap?) in the background labeled “band aid”…very appropriate.
                Poor griffy…Kyrin will make you all better. Eagerly awaiting WIP shots…

                It’s Band Aid aneseptic wash.

                But I didn’t even notice that until you mentioned it. LOL!


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