finding the forum

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      There were very few people when I joined. Mostly it was me, Mimi, Cheryl, Nyet, and Frozen talking. 😆 A few others soon joined and they havent stopped coming!


      I was an ebay junkie before I knew about the forum. I think I first learned of the forum through one of Frozens ebay listings. He’d mentioned he was frozendragon on the windstone forum in the description of an auction. I’m pretty sure that’s how I first found the forum.


        I was on the livejournal group and then Jennifer posted about the forum starting up. Found some free time a couple of days later to finally head to the forum and login here.


        Jennifer wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        I found the website by way of ebay too. When I first found it, the forum wasn’t active yet. I kept watching the site periodically, but then I kinda forgot about it. I emailed Melody about something I saw on ebay and in addition to answering my question, she directed me to the forum. That was a couple of months after it started up. I joined the month after you did. 😉

        Yep, there weren’t as many people on the forum as there are now. I haven’t looked at the current list. I wonder how many memebers we have now. Hmm

        I can say because evilbay directed us to the forum then that can be one positive thing about it. 😀

        We have 496 users. I’d say only half or less are active though. Active as in posting. There are lots of lurkers. 🙂

        I used to frequent the Windstone Livejournal community that Chessie and Amber set up, before this forum existed.
        Wow, thanks for the info. That is a lot of members, but I think it is still small compared to other forums.


        skigod377 wrote:

        There were very few people when I joined. Mostly it was me, Mimi, Cheryl, Nyet, and Frozen talking. 😆 A few others soon joined and they havent stopped coming!

        I don’t think I have heard of Nyet. Do they come around anymore?


          dragonessjade wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          There were very few people when I joined. Mostly it was me, Mimi, Cheryl, Nyet, and Frozen talking. 😆 A few others soon joined and they havent stopped coming!

          I don’t think I have heard of Nyet. Do they come around anymore?

          I am gonna mess up the spelling: Nyetgyer? She still pops in now and then. I have seen her in the Ask Maya forum.


          Nytetyger. Yeah, she pokes her head i nevery once in a while.


          skigod377 wrote:

          dragonessjade wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          There were very few people when I joined. Mostly it was me, Mimi, Cheryl, Nyet, and Frozen talking. 😆 A few others soon joined and they havent stopped coming!

          I don’t think I have heard of Nyet. Do they come around anymore?

          I am gonna mess up the spelling: Nyetgyer? She still pops in now and then. I have seen her in the Ask Maya forum.

          Oh ok. I know who you are talking about now.

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