
fight music

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      I just remembered a song–it’s by Lynn Anderson and it’s called Ride, Ride, Ride. I copied the link above but I’ll share the lyrics–gonna love this.

      Chorus: If you don’t want me, baby, if you’re not satisfied
      If you don’t care get on your horse and ride, ride, ride

      Since you got on your high horse
      Those fancy friends you’ve found
      You’ve had a hard time seeing me
      You’re always looking down

      Chorus repeats

      You talked about me honey
      You tried to tear me down
      But while you’re throwin’ dirt at me
      You’re slowly losing ground

      Chorus repeats

      I’ll have your second fiddle
      Returned to you today
      ‘Cause baby that’s one instrument
      I’ve never learned to play

      And it ends with her singing at the end ‘If you don’t care get on your horse and ride, ride, ride, and ride, ride, ride, and ride, ride, ride.

      I have my own little take on this–for the chorus I’d be singing instead of ride, ride, ride—If you don’t care you can just sit on it and twirl, twirl, twirl. >) And twirl, twirl, twirl, and twirl, twirl, twirl!!!

      Can you just picture him spinning like a top??!!

      EDIT: Couldn’t get the link to play the song but there is a sample of it on Amazon’s site–just search for Lynn Anderson and it’s her 16 Biggest Hits and you can listen to a short sample of it.


        I’m a little late to the party, but how about ‘Overcomer’ by Mandissa.


          Another late one to the party….
          *gives lots of hugs and cookies to TDM*

          Do try to remember that it is about your future, and he’s only making himself look like a jerk. That said there’s nothing wrong with a little music to help you through 😉

          Second the recommendation of
          P!nk *F***ing Perfect*

          Try – P!nk

          Fireworks – Katy Perry

          Wide Awake – Katy Perry

          People Like Us – Kelly Clarkson

          Iridescent – Linkin Park

          Get Off Of My Back – Bryan Adams

          Dare – Stan Bush (One of my personal go to motivation songs 🙂 )

          Your Time – Stan Bush (ignore the transformers and pay attention to the lyrics 🙂 )

          sending lots more hugs your way!

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