So having just bought a sewing machine, I’m fairly close to broke, and there’s so much awesome Windstone stuff out right now! So I’m thinking about how to raise money, and I do have two old warriors, maybe I could sell one….
But I doubt anybody would pay how much the emerald prototype is worth to me, as an emerald old warrior was the first Windstone I ever saw, and so he’s the one that means the most to me of my whole collection.
But there’s this ruby… which on the one hand is retired, and out of stock right now. But on the other hand will be available direct again eventually…
So basically what I want to know is, would anybody pay extra just to get one now instead of having to wait for Windstone to have them in again? Anybody who’s interested can PM me with an offer. I’m not saying for sure I’ll sell, but I’m seriously considering it, and if enough people want it, I might put it up on ebay. Or if I get a high enough offer I might just sell it outright here.
Augh, I’m so indecisive!