Featherwurm's Thread of Miscelaneous Art and Creative Foibles (New Art 8/4)

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      They’re pretty cute, and I’d love it if they had some kind of… background story for what they’re supposed to be/how they came to be. Individual profiles or personalities might be cute too. I think I could probably shell out the money for one for 18 or so. 🙂 Seems reasonable to me anyway.


        They’re pretty cute, and I’d love it if they had some kind of… background story for what they’re supposed to be/how they came to be. Individual profiles or personalities might be cute too. I think I could probably shell out the money for one for 18 or so. 🙂 Seems reasonable to me anyway.

        Ah yes, I’ll definitely do little cards to go with them with some background… just need to come up with it!

        Thank you again!


          Agh, I’m still sitting on so much stuff that needs photographing and scanning. I don’t even know where to begin. Ah well… here is a new thing to look at:

          From the same world as the orca fellow above:

          “The sickness that made the so called ‘flight-afflicted’ left them violent, wild, and unpredictable, but also gave them the tools to survive in the blighted landscape. While some could retain more of their mind and mentality (particularly those already suffering physical and mental afflictions and used to their pains), cases varied so much as to leave all flighted in danger of a violent demise for the sake of safety. Generally solitary, their raids on human populations and their tenancy to pick off lone travelers and even caravans makes travel difficult at best. Their bodies, stretched vastly into a configuration built for stamina and agility in the air still leaves them vulnerable to drowning, and they come into little conflict with merfolk. Those in early stages of affliction are at risk for execution to protect the human population, though some families are known to have smuggled their sick loved ones into the wild, or stay with them far beyond the point of safety.”


            I love the concept for your world with the merfolk, flight afflicted, and humans. Do you have stories/books related to it?


              You have a varied and fascinating body of work. I must admit though, my favorite is the feline with the aristocratic collar on. And ever since I was a kid I’ve found carnivorous plants absolutely fascinating so Audrey II is a big fav as well. And the Crane and man with the shredded clothing both speak to me (they have a mood to them that just really tugs at me, though I can’t explain why…I’m sorry!)


                I love the concept for your world with the merfolk, flight afflicted, and humans. Do you have stories/books related to it?

                Thank you very much! Not quite yet, just some scrappy writing and a few sketches and the two finished pieces here, it’s mostly concept and development at the moment, but perhaps this NaNoWriMo might see something more concrete…


                  You have a varied and fascinating body of work. I must admit though, my favorite is the feline with the aristocratic collar on. And ever since I was a kid I’ve found carnivorous plants absolutely fascinating so Audrey II is a big fav as well. And the Crane and man with the shredded clothing both speak to me (they have a mood to them that just really tugs at me, though I can’t explain why…I’m sorry!)

                  Thank you very much! Hah, I’m glad you enjoy these things, the fellow in the tattered clothing is named Vali, and there’s quite a bit more on him here: http://verdego.deviantart.com/gallery/25183729/Vali


                    Whew, ok, a month goes by and I have quite a bit to add here. I’m not the best at keeping this updated I admit!

                    A bit of stylized digital art, I love to do this sort of thing, but I have a hard time describing it more than ‘abstract symbolism’.

                    A few critters I came up with the other day called ‘Thistle Bees’. I’m not sure where they’ll pop up, but I like them and they’re bound to show up in something.

                    I really loved the new Maleficent movie, it was quite a lot of fun. When I like, I fan art, I admit.

                    Finally FINALLY got these guys finished up and put together. There’s more in the series here. They’re all slightly morbid polymer clay cameos of various interesting things!

                    Parnassus in an introspective mood.

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