
Favorite Windstone in your collection

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    Just one? Inconceiveable! (love Princess Bride)

    All time favorites would be Nam’s Moon Griffin (aka Kechara), amethyst mist emperor and labordite coiled mother.

    Regular Windstones would be the brown OW and emerald cat wizard. But it’s really hard not to pick lots of others!


    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Along the lines of getting to know each other a little better… Out of everything in your Windstones collections, do you have a favorite piece?


    ddvm wrote:

    Just one? Inconceiveable!


    But, since the theme of the thread is to make us pick …..

    Like most here, I had oggled Windstones for years, both the Pegasi and Unicorns of course, in the mini-catalogues and various Mall shops that I would see them in. Honestly, I don’t even recall the dragon items that would be on the same shelves. 😀 But finally owning one, holding her in my hands and seeing her realistic muzzle and facial expression, oh yes, sentimental tag, it was the Mother Unicorn.

    But, but, then I acquired the entire Pegasi family and, and, and don’t make me choose! Pegasus family, argh I chose!

    My favorite equine sculpture would be the delicate Mother Pegasus with the Grand Unicorn as a close second.

    My Favorite dragon sculpture would be the Old Warrior with the Lap as a close second.

    And hands down, Melody’s originality of the candlelamps with the glowing eyes from the flickering flames. Wow. 😯 I’ve seen her idea (fantasy creature candlelamps with marble eyes, not Windstone replica sculptures) copied by molders around here, but I’ve stayed true to Windstone and never purchased them. It was well worth the wait when I finally purchased one of those. Yes, I’m also a wee pyromaniac. 😎

    As for favorite color, blargh! that is tough. I really, really like the Emerald Peacock and found that I really, really like the Rainbows; groaning allowed. 😀 Peacock is pretty, BVP and BEP are really pretty and um, um, so is the simplicity of the White and Golds.

    Special Paints: Twilight Secret Keeper and the more recent Labradorite Griffins.

    Oh Sassafrass, I could have simplified this by stating …

    I like them all!!



    Hmm… hard question! My favorite for sentimental reasons is the emerald mouse wizard.

    Favorite out of the all the others is Vulcan, my BG emp. He was supposed to have been given to me for taking care of my parents’ house and pets all summer last year, but… By the time they told me it just wasn’t going to happen I loved him too much to let it go, and paid for him myself. Most expensive thing I own to date that isn’t a car or a computer 😆 He also came from the same mall I got my very first Windstone from, so he’s special in a nostalgic kind of way. He reminds me of the mountains and my home in Colorado every time I see him. (hugs dragon)

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