Favorite Curl Color

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I like both EmPea and Red Flame a lot, but if I could only hold onto one it would be Red Flame because the coloring is unique and not availa^ble on any other sculpt.

    ditto on the red flame.


    I love the emerald peacock and the red flame. it was a tough choice between the two.


      I was stuck between the red flame and emerald peacock too, but I chose the emerald peacock because if/when I finally have the means to start my own Windstone collection, that’s likely the colour I would choose


        I don’t think I could choose, I haven’t seen any inperson. My red on is on his way and I love all the pictures of them.


        My vote is for the russet, that’s the only one I’ve seen in person though.

        To be honest, I wish the color was closer to the one Melody has in her gallery. Maybe it’s just the pic of course, but the color seems so much richer, the transition from the gold to the …maroon ? is a much smoother blend.

        Not saying I don’t really like her, just prefer the original 8)


          Even though I bought the signed white, I am gonna buy the empea. Empea is a great color.


          I have russet and white. But the other two are on their way…I’ll vote then, if it’s possible. 😯


          Way too hard to choose. Really, I love them all. But, without seeing the gold (which is on the way) I have to say I like the em-pea just alittle more than the russet (red flame).


            Russet all the way. I wish Melody would make russet/red flame into a production color…it’s such a perfect dragon color! Just gorgeous…I like it better than the flame color on my limited edition old warrior.


              I like the gold the best. I think russet would look awesome on an old warrior.


              Just about anything except pink would look awesome on an OW. 😆

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