Favorite Curl Color

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    This is inspired off of a chat with hubby. He thinks the gold one is THE ONE, and we should sell all the rest 😯 which of course is nonsense. πŸ™„ I like the emerald the most. So, I’m just curious what everyone else thinks.



      bluepony78 wrote:

      This is inspired off of a chat with hubby. He thinks the gold one is THE ONE, and we should sell all the rest 😯 which of course is nonsense. πŸ™„ I like the emerald the most. So, I’m just curious what everyone else thinks.

      There is no Emerald one out yet. Did you mean the Emerald Peacock one?

      The red one is Russet or Red Flame, too, btw.

      I like the Gold, but the Russet and the EmPea are nice too.


      emerald212 wrote:

      bluepony78 wrote:

      This is inspired off of a chat with hubby. He thinks the gold one is THE ONE, and we should sell all the rest 😯 which of course is nonsense. πŸ™„ I like the emerald the most. So, I’m just curious what everyone else thinks.

      There is no Emerald one out yet. Did you mean the Emerald Peacock one?

      Oops! I’ll change that. (eveyrthing makes sense in my head….)


      emerald212 wrote:

      bluepony78 wrote:

      This is inspired off of a chat with hubby. He thinks the gold one is THE ONE, and we should sell all the rest 😯 which of course is nonsense. πŸ™„ I like the emerald the most. So, I’m just curious what everyone else thinks.

      There is no Emerald one out yet. Did you mean the Emerald Peacock one?

      The red one is Russet or Red Flame, too, btw.

      I like the Gold, but the Russet and the EmPea are nice too.

      It won’t let me change the red one’s name. Gosh. I’m just one huge brain fart this morning aren’t I? πŸ™„


        Oh so hard… πŸ˜†

        but I have to say Emerald Peacock because I’m always a sucker for greens, blues and purples. ^.^

        Though the Russet/Red Flame one is REALLY nice too. πŸ˜€


          bluepony78 wrote:

          emerald212 wrote:

          bluepony78 wrote:

          This is inspired off of a chat with hubby. He thinks the gold one is THE ONE, and we should sell all the rest 😯 which of course is nonsense. πŸ™„ I like the emerald the most. So, I’m just curious what everyone else thinks.

          There is no Emerald one out yet. Did you mean the Emerald Peacock one?

          The red one is Russet or Red Flame, too, btw.

          I like the Gold, but the Russet and the EmPea are nice too.

          It won’t let me change the red one’s name. Gosh. I’m just one huge brain fart this morning aren’t I? πŸ™„

          That’s okay. I think people will get the idea. πŸ™‚


            bluepony78 wrote:

            It won’t let me change the red one’s name. Gosh. I’m just one huge brain fart this morning aren’t I? πŸ™„

            I got it for you πŸ™‚


              Red Flame for the WIN!


              I like both EmPea and Red Flame a lot, but if I could only hold onto one it would be Red Flame because the coloring is unique and not availa^ble on any other sculpt.


              Nambroth wrote:

              bluepony78 wrote:

              It won’t let me change the red one’s name. Gosh. I’m just one huge brain fart this morning aren’t I? πŸ™„

              I got it for you πŸ™‚

              Awsome, thanks!!


              I have to say empea, but I’ll admit… the white is growing on me quickly. Every time I see him I like him more, which is weird because I don’t really care for the whites overmuch. Oh well… they’re all gorgeous, anyway!


              I didn’t realize we could only vote once(suppose that makes sense though DUH!). I voted for the gold for huby, even though truley that is my least fav.

              Poor little white! Someone vote for white! πŸ˜‰


                Nambroth wrote:

                bluepony78 wrote:

                It won’t let me change the red one’s name. Gosh. I’m just one huge brain fart this morning aren’t I? πŸ™„

                I got it for you πŸ™‚

                Do do do do (bugle sounds). Nam to the rescue! πŸ˜€


                  I haven’t gotten my gold one yet, so I can’t vote. πŸ™‚

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