Favorite colors…

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    I am sure this has been asked before, or maybe it hasn’t, but Melody…What are your favorite colors?
    Inquiring minds want to know… 😉


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I am sure this has been asked before, or maybe it hasn’t, but Melody…What are your favorite colors?
      Inquiring minds want to know… 😉

      I love deep cool colors: blue, green and purples with an accent of one warm color. I hate yellow and orange, though I love amber with lavender, and I love kois and canaries and daffodils that are those colors. Why do we like or dislike colors? it makes no sense.
      What are your favorite colors? I wonder if there are more people that like one color over another, or if it is random?


        I’m more drawn to the cooler colors myself 😉 .


          I love blue but not on dragons for some reason. When it comes to the dragons I love greens, reds, even golds. I find that I like more monotone pieces or pieces with more gradual color change. I think I like green mostly because it reminds me of spring 🙂


            I’m the complete opposite. I gravitate towards warmer colors (why I’m fighting so hard for the survival of Red Fire) and I like cooler colors only for accents. My favorite combo is browns with blue &/or green touches (obvious from my PYOs).


            I like warmer colors, too, but I also like cooler colors. There aren’t too many colors I dislike; in fact, I can’t think of any. Some color combinations just don’t work for me, but that would be about it.


              I like cool colors–especially if they’re rich looking. Blues, purples, greens–like the ocean, deep green of a forest, a midnight blue sky but with a touch of a bright color–magenta, gold, silver, red. Then I also like soft colors–I have a Pink Lap and I love her–also lavendars, lighter blues, peach type colors–the salmon color on the laps on ebay I like–almost like Easter egg colors. If it looks good, I like it! 😀


                I also tend to prefer cool colors- blue and green are my favorites. Jewel tones really do it for me, I like strong/deep colors, not pastels or pale ones. It all depends really on how/what the color is being used on though!


                I must be really weird then, I don’t have a favorite color. My favorite, changes with the seasons, or moods it seems. I was in an orange mood for about a year, then switched to green, and am now in purple mode. 😆 Makes it hard on the Hubby to buy me pretties. 😛



                That explains all the purple in your signature, Nakase, including the Sunset Dragons!


                  I love any color a Windstone dragon comes in


                  My favorites are darker plum type purples, eggplant and such. Greens, any shade of them. And really dark blues…Royal on down. Black too! Dark silver for accents is a favorite, or copper. I love my cool colors, but once in a while I find something really warm and bright I fall in love with, like Barrdwing’s PYO Griffins! 😀
                  I dislike oranges for the most part, unless they blend into the color scheme. I loved old ruby because it was a red tone and it was dark. I like the new, and I did get a RF Fledgie finally, and I really like him alot too! Mostly though, it’s darker rich colors for me! 😀
                  But, thank you for your input Melody! It’s always good to know those little tidbits of info about you! 😉


                    I don’t know why we do, but we do! For instance, I have never liked red. Never. I have distinct memories of building with Duplo blocks, and I would use all the other colors (in order of preference: blue, green, yellow) before I would resort to the red ones! I loathe pink, too, and I think that’s always been with me as well — I had a frilly party dress as a kid when I was in the “dress up” stage, but it was purple, and I can’t remember ever owning/liking any pink clothes, even back then.

                    I don’t think there’s one color favored above the rest by other people, though: I meet too many people who just *adore* the colors I loathe. (Please keep making pink dragons until I have the money to buy Ocean Blue ones?) 🙂 Or who love some color that makes me go, “wow, someone likes that? I’ve never even thought about it.”

                    Melody wrote:

                    Why do we like or dislike colors? it makes no sense. What are your favorite colors? I wonder if there are more people that like one color over another, or if it is random?

                    Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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