fauxbird's pyo thread,new uni page 2

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    thanks i had a lot of fun painting them as always,though i admit i will most likely only paint a few of the keeper dragons as they are a lot of work :nea:


    fauxbird wrote:

    hey the march of the windstone griffins has arrived 😆

    I keep waiting to see what your next one will look like! LOL XD (Since I already have 2 of yours! 8) )


      Yursh, me too! *can’t wait to see your work, that is…* 😀

      twindragonsmum 😀



        fauxbird wrote:

        thanks i had a lot of fun painting them as always,though i admit i will most likely only paint a few of the keeper dragons as they are a lot of work :nea:

        No kidding… I’m on my first keeper now, and it’s taking me FOREVER!! :shout:


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        fauxbird wrote:

        hey the march of the windstone griffins has arrived 😆

        I keep waiting to see what your next one will look like! LOL XD (Since I already have 2 of yours! 8) )

        well my dear that’s because your crazy 😆 yes bayoudragon i was not kidding when i said they take time to do,i had started him months before and slowly did a bit here and there,for some reason this sculp i had no patience for 😕 and thats odd as many people tell me i have the patience of a saint :scratch:


        I am not crazy…Just sanity challenged! XD
        Now, you know, one of these days, you’ll do another one that I will like, and I will most likely end up with 3! 😛 😀


        well thats if windstone ever gets around to making more :shrug: i hope they have enough for our swap though we do have good time from the start date to the finish date :yes:


        This is true…And that should be ample time for it. 😀


        i hope so,as i wanted to pick up a wolf with green eyes and a ki-rin with gray eyes to play with along with whatever my swap person wants(must have more pyos to paint) :shout:


        this is a new unicorn i just painted,im also working on another wolf,sorry the picture lacks but its freezing out and im still healing from a burst appendix so i aint playing outside :nea:


        Nice! I like those golden hooves 🙂


        i thought gold was fitting,the body color is metallic taupe,and then i used some brown chalk,the picture does not do her justice my apartment lighting sucks 😳


          She reminds me of summertime. Ah summertime….it’s fragging freezing here.


            fauxbird wrote:

            this is a new unicorn i just painted,im also working on another wolf,sorry the picture lacks but its freezing out and im still healing from a burst appendix so i aint playing outside :nea:

            Goodness! I hope your recovering okay. I love his colors – nice and warm. It’s freaking cold here to 🙄 ….


            Ooooh pretty Unicorn! 😀
            It’s cold as a…(Well, you know the one about the brass bra don’t ya?) here in my little section of Illinois too. *shivers* 😮

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